Now I'm pretty guilty myself of quitting matches on a pretty regular basis. But here's why.
I'll load into a control match, and the opposing team has 7k, and my team has barely over 2k, with only three other players on my team. Quit.
Or I'll load into a rumble where someone's going ham with that new trials auto rifle, and their score is 1500, and nobody's score is over 400. Most are at 0. Quit. Why waste my time?
So why is this? Because people quit, and when they quit, they leave a slot open for some other schmuck to get rammed.
This happens all over the place because there's no penalty for it.
Now I know what you're thinking, "No Pesky! Bungie rear ends us enough already, we don't need more bs."
I don't want a punishment debuff. That's dumb, and would cause a lot of grief from a lot of players just trying to bang out some bounties (or that crucible quest line. Yeesh)
Or you might be thinking,
"Git Gud scrub, that's what mercy is for."
But hear me out.
What if you introduced a rewards system that rewards continuous play? Sort of like the heroic strike list and the increase in chances to gain engrams and reputation for continuous completions, but do it for crucible style playlists?
I think it would cut down on people not sticking it out for the long haul, and encourage players to use your PvP content more.
Let me know your thoughts.
They do have a reward system. It's called the RNG Button.