[b]Joshua goes to the medbay to get his arm patched up.[/b]
*walks over with a bloody razor in hand* How about a shave?
[b]He touches his face a few times.[/b] "Think I'm fine. What brings you to the medbay?"
I don't think the last person I shaved is going to be seen alive *wipes the blood off the razor*
"Sounds like an insurance hazard. Won't they take your barber's license, or whatever you have?"
I never had one *theres a coughing sound outside the room*
[b]He ignores the coughing.[/b] "I know, just joking around man. I'm aware you're this... psychopathic demon kind of thing."
*steps out side and blood spills in front of the door shortly after*
"So... Who was that? Some dread lackie?"
Not exactly he seemed....wrong. he reminded me of the people I hate
"Ah. What kind of people would that be?" [b]He talks as he wraps a bandage around his shoulder.[/b]
The people that I love most...so I slit his throat I didn't think it would take this long for him to bleed out
"You hate the people you love most... Is it a rivalry kind of thing, or what?"
No I just want to kill them as swiftly as I can...so I can be alone once again
"Doesn't make much sense to me, but live your own life, kiddo." [b]He finishes up and stands, moving his arm a bit and flourishing his sword.[/b]
Kid? That's an odd thing for you to say....I have doubts about my innocence or purity
"We all got a little in there somewhere." [b]He sheaths the blade and walks to the nearest forge.[/b]
I guess so *quietly follows opening and closing the razor*
[b]He gets a whetstone and sharpens the blade.[/b] "So, what's been going on here recently?"
Other than finding some trash in space and getting attacked not much
"Kinda boring. Need to find something to do so they can pay us eh?"
I can resurrect the corpses into a single creature but it won't be very simple to kill
"There's probably something out there to fix without you creating beasts."
Like what?
"I dunno. Probably some rich bastard sitting on a pile of gold who wants someone's head on a stake."