Why is that? Also what is elo?
ELO score takes current gameplay. So people (like me) that had a long noob period can correct their scores. It factors in combat score and other factors that help your team win. A lot of people use it to determine how good a trials team is. I don't remember the website but will post it later. It is the same system the chess community uses to determine rankings. I think it is essentially... what do you do to help your team win.
In that case I'd like to look my score up, let me know if you find the site
Guardian.gg That is the website. They actually didn't start taking info tell after the taken king. I don't know all the specifics on how the number is found. All I know is when I play a team in trials with high ELO I lose.
If I'm reading that right I have 2 different scores, a bronze, and a silver. I don't think in understanding what that score means Silver: 1267 Bronze: 1092 Not sure what those numbers mean
It's just a standardized number. Silver tier is good man. You have a different score for all game modes
I see, since I only play control / clash after ttk then that most be what my numbers mean. Thanks :)