Python watches a squad of soldiers help Phantom up and start walking towards the brig.
"I'm gonna go help out with that, I'll see you later."
Python walks away as Dean speaks up.
"I hate this job."
He chuckles a bit.
[i]"Yeah, I can tell"[/i] [b]She sighs[/b]
He extends his arm. "Dean."
[b]She shakes jt[/b] [i]"Jackie"[/i]
He nods. "You're the lady from the UNSC ship right?"
[i]"Yes, I am"[/i]
[i]"Yeah, why?"[/i]
"I've heard of you guys , hell, thought about joining up." He smiles a bit.
[i]"Meh, I get that a lot As for you joining, feel free to, but there's augmentations and what not"[/i] [spoiler]Heh, she doesn't take to flirting to lightly Let alone what Dean pulls[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Like I said, he's thirsty af[/spoiler] "I got my own....augmentations."
[i]"If they're cleared, that works"[/i]
He nods. "What's it like? Being a Spartan?"
[i]"Being different I'm not 'normal'"[/i]
"Well yeah, Jolly Green Giant, but what is it really like?"
[b]She shrugs[/b] [i]"I don't know, like what a super soldier is Besides trhe glares from the public for being 7" tall"[/i]
He nods. "Sounds fun." Dean smiles jokingly.
[b]She saw through his joke[/b] [i]"Trust me, there's ice creams and clowns fo everyone"[/i]
"But I hate clowns." He chuckles a bit more.
[b]She shrugs[/b] [i]"Well yournout of luck, more for us"[/i]
He shakes his head. "You don't like laughing, do you?"
[i]"I do, just takes a lot to get me to"[/i]
He nods. "Alright I'm gonna go grab some food. I'll see you later." Dean walks off.