originally posted in:The Roleplay League
"Well, I'm gonna take a break. I'm done with fighting." Alice says. "I'm going to go check out the Vault, see if anything is happening there. I'll see you guys round."
"Bye Alice." Tellio calls out. Quinn just grunts.
"See ya Tell." Alice nods at Gage. "May your blade forever be as sharp as your wit." Aprill summons in Alice into the ship, and they break atmosphere.
"Sooo... Scissors paper rock?" Quinn asks Tellio.
[i]Gage walks over and sits down on top of a rock and Nightingale flies down and lands next to him. As Gage states off into the distance, he begins to remember the battle of the Six Fronts, Twilight Gap, and the countless other battles he took part in. As he becomes lost within his memories, Nightingale speaks to him telepathically, trying to help him return to reality.[/i]