I think we should have pets to follow us around, they wouldn't do anything they would just be cosmetic. If bungie wanted them to do something,They could do things like
-Fetch us ammo
-or eat ammo and poop it out for us(lol)
-Tricks (depending on what type they are)
-They could have their own little emotes you can activate
Here are some animal ideas
-Tiny dreg
-A mini minotaur
-a rc car
-little zombie
-A smaller version of your own ship
Also they would all have their own quest to unlock the pet for example to get a mini ship you would have to get a quest form Amanda holiday or to get a cat or a dog You have to forge a treat, silly right? or would you rather get a cat or a dog through a error code?
Little adjustments: pets are not active for crucible (obvious reasons) Pets are not active in end game content (raids) Pets are ignored by enemies and have no solid hit boxes (you can walk through them, however their coding would make them move around you so you don't walk into them) Your wave emote can be replaced by a pet emote Microtransactions would include emotes for the pets and different skins for them Pets would add a lot of (data?) To the game so the user has the ability to turn them off Any other ideas?