[b][u]This is your one stop spot to find a fireteam for the nightfall and weekly strikes![/u][/b]
[u]Make sure to say which you are doing and what light level you are![/u]
[i]My Characters:[/i]
-hunter:who needs it?
*message me if you need help*
[b]Kings Fall Normal Raid Finder[/b]: https://www.bungie.net/en-US/Forum/Post/172404573/0/0
[b]Court of Oryx Team Finder[/b]: https://www.bungie.net/en-US/Forum/Post/173086228/0/0
[b][u]Join my clan by clicking here[/u][/b]: https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/916740
Send invite MMack1212 for NF Hunter 300
Level 311 hunter looking for nightfall. Send invite to gt got big wings
Need 2 for the nightfall Message for inv Gt same as above
Looking to do nf. Gamertag sgtspankypants
306 hunter running it now or if you are looking for someone send invite gt:Psyren Void
301 hunter looking for nightfall gt : CondemnedGnat8
308 warlock looking for nightfall invite XxRaunchyPigxX
313 Titan looking to join a group to do nightfall send me an invite GT: maxwalden
Need 2 for nf. Or inv. gt same.315 hunter
Need 2 for nightfall. Already in strike, msg for invite. No mic needed!
Need two for nightfall 290+ I'm a 316 Titan Gt: Carbonite Flux
(Normal mode) need 5 for kings fall raid, at oryx checkpoint, must be 296+ msg me for invite at steezy joe 33
Need one more for nf already started
314 warlock need 1 305+ for NF, Xbox one GT: x Rickell
313 warlock looking for night fall. Gt same as above
314 warlock need 2 305+ for NF, Xbox one GT: x Rickell
313 warlock looking to run nightfall, gt same as posting
Warlock 310 looking for NF team GT: kevse7. Grimoire: 4490 No Mic, but can hear perfectly
Need 2 for nightfall gt skydrone92
Need 2 for nightfall Msg xxxrudebouyxxx 313 Titan
316 Hunter looking to do nightfall INV pls xschmoozex
Need one for nightfall!
Need 2 for nightfall Msg xxxrudebouyxxx 313 Titan
At boss. Need 2, message darkzantetsuken for invite
309 hunter looking for Nf. Invite plz
Need one for nightfall message on Xbox