[b][u]This is your one stop spot to find a fireteam for the nightfall and weekly strikes![/u][/b]
[u]Make sure to say which you are doing and what light level you are![/u]
[i]My Characters:[/i]
-hunter:who needs it?
*message me if you need help*
[b]Kings Fall Normal Raid Finder[/b]: https://www.bungie.net/en-US/Forum/Post/172404573/0/0
[b]Court of Oryx Team Finder[/b]: https://www.bungie.net/en-US/Forum/Post/173086228/0/0
[b][u]Join my clan by clicking here[/u][/b]: https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/916740
Lookin to do nightfall. Need 2 message/invite Raikou1163
Need one more already at boss
309 hunter. Need 2. GT^
Looking for team I'm light level 311 hunter invite gt above
Need 2 for nf Already started Msg me for inv
Need 2 for nightfall no mic needed
Lvl 314 warlock. Looking for night fall
Looking for 1 more for NF.
Looking for team I'm light level 311 hunter invite gt above
293 Warlock GT Hungry Cableguy Looking for 2
Need 2 more 300+ for nightfall Message xlasthulk for inv
305 Titan looking for nf, GT same as above
306 titan at the tank message gt above for inv
Looking for team for nf I have two characters to do I'm light level 310 hunter and Titan Invite gt above
Need 1 for boss msg ripdajackr for inv
313 warlock Lf nightfall Gt same as here with zero in wolf
Lf 1 more NF Gt mandoevox
Edited by SEKC TTBLSSH: 11/12/2015 9:57:12 PMNeed 2 300+ for nightfall just planning to run through it quickly I'm 314 Titan message on xbox for invite
295 wl lf nf team Gt mandoevox
309 hunter looking for night fall invt gt boogzthetruth
307 hunter need two for nf. I can't find my mic but we'll be fine. Gt same as above ^^
Need two for nightfall
Need two for nightfall msg "lol Dustin" for an inv
Need 2 for the nightfall, please have a mic and message me for invite
Need 2 for nf in progress. Message A WILD DOMINATR on xbox for invite
Need 2 for nightfall