[b][u]This is your one stop spot to find a fireteam for the nightfall and weekly strikes![/u][/b]
[u]Make sure to say which you are doing and what light level you are![/u]
[i]My Characters:[/i]
-hunter:who needs it?
*message me if you need help*
[b]Kings Fall Normal Raid Finder[/b]: https://www.bungie.net/en-US/Forum/Post/172404573/0/0
[b]Court of Oryx Team Finder[/b]: https://www.bungie.net/en-US/Forum/Post/173086228/0/0
[b][u]Join my clan by clicking here[/u][/b]: https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/916740
318 Hunter looking for nightfall. Msg for inv or inv me. Either or. GT same.
318 Hunter looking for nightfall. Msg for inv or inv me. Either or. GT same.
Need 1 for nightfall at final boss message for inv gamertag as above
Need 1 for golgoroth hard mode cp. 310+ challenge. Msg knockoutzeus for inv.
Message for invite 319 warlock
Need one, message for invite
311 Warlock for NF, invite
Need to do arc sword sword reformed final strike on xb1, message bigguyktm71
Running nightfall twice 300+ message taken platypus for inv
316,314 and 315 characters LF 3 fast NF runs Must be 305+ GT fish182xxx
NF 317 Titan Gt: PR35T0N28
Need one doing a few nightfalls, gt is same as here.
Need one for nightfall message gt barkbarkimmadog
Gt^ need 2 for a quick run Message for an inv
Need 2 for nightfall gt is GhostlyManiac73
Need 2 Want to do nightfall twice
Need 2 for nightfall gt is GhostlyManiac73
315 Titan Gt thrashingclown need 2
304 Titan lookin to join NF team. GT: girthbrooks100
Need 2 for nightfall gt is GhostlyManiac73
Looking for one for nightfall. Gt same as name.
Looking for someone to do all three night falls. Gt same as above, message for inv
Need 2 for NF, message for inv. Gt same as above
Need 2 for hard totems need 313 light msg chingaloca87
Looking for 1 more for NF. Gt same