[b][u]This is your one stop spot to find a fireteam for the nightfall and weekly strikes![/u][/b]
[u]Make sure to say which you are doing and what light level you are![/u]
[i]My Characters:[/i]
-hunter:who needs it?
*message me if you need help*
[b]Kings Fall Normal Raid Finder[/b]: https://www.bungie.net/en-US/Forum/Post/172404573/0/0
[b]Court of Oryx Team Finder[/b]: https://www.bungie.net/en-US/Forum/Post/173086228/0/0
[b][u]Join my clan by clicking here[/u][/b]: https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/916740
Need 2 for nightfall , gt:WEareMADNESS
Need 2
Need 2 for nightfall
Im looking for 2 more players for nightfall, at the boss cp Titan Lv 40, light 302 Gt BenedictWolf
Anyone fancy helping me do fears embrace quest(touch of malace) struggling on my own. Xbox one.
Looking to join a team invite xXCarRanRodXx12
At boss of nightfall, need 1 more
Looking for one for final part of nightfall on Xbox one msg me for inv
Need 2 for nf, welcome to msg? Get same ab
Looking for nightfall invite HankyXmasP00
Need 2 more for night fall gotta do it on all 3 characters. Mess me in game for inv
At boss message gt Joe Circo for invite must be 300+
310 titan looking nf inv ASSANATOR18563 Also mic doesn't work but can hear
312 Hunter looking to do the weekly night fall. Gamertag same as above. Invite me.
Started nightfall message mean bald guy for invite on Xbox
303 light warlock Looking for nightfall team Message Lazydragonfly
293 hunter lfg Gt: sbcavlon
300 warlock looking for group
invite OriginalToxicz 308 warlock
Edited by Zlapd: 11/11/2015 7:29:41 PMNeed 2 for exotic sword strike gt same as above I'm a 314 hunter
314 hunter started nfall msg superman3578 for inv 290+
Looking for nf run Gt Zada69.
313 Titan and 316 titan need 1 more Message: Chympanzee
Clan recruitment! Looking for 5 or so people to join our clan! We don't have too many requirements just that you play often, are friendly and willing to help clan mates get their stuff done! We are all heavy in to endgame right now since it is still new. We run 10+ raids a week, we have at least one team that's gonna jump right in hard mode when it drops and will have multiple teams running that night. We have 25 members and usually 15+ on at any given time with people always on standby to help you finish your weekly grind. We have our pvp legends also (I am not one of them so don't judge by my stats) they can help you get to the lighthouse or grind out that last rank IB. Looking for players 20+ but we do make exceptions for mature players below that age line. Msg "SoA man bun" on Xbox1 or reply below for more info!
Looking for one more for nightfall message G I Joe 82
309 Titan hosting nightfall