originally posted in:The Roleplay League
'Ain't my problem, anyways. Yeah, I guess it's good to meet someone relatively normal like you.'
"For now, I wouldn't use the term 'normal' to describe me right now."
'[i]I[/i], would. The people I've recently met either tried to kill me, try to steal from me, lure me into an alleyway, list continues.'
"What's up with her?" She motioned towards Serra.
'She has her.. Moments. She can get REAL pissed REAL easy.'
"Yeah... she sounds a bit familiar."
'Really? Huh. Over the time she's been gone, I'd expect people to forget about 'er.'
"Couldn't have been that long since we've last seen each other,"
'Welp, it's been half a year at the least.'
"If I'm to forget something, I'll need to be hit on the head pretty hard."
"So... where've you two been for the last half a year?"
'I was alive. [i]She[/i], wasn't.'
"What happened?"
'She got swarmed by Hive. And uhh.. An old "Friend". Why?'
"Just wondering. Were you not with her when it happened?"
'No. I was up here before it did.'
'Now back to my question. Why do you ask?'
"I've nothing better to do."
"Yeah. That seems like a good answer."
"She's not that social, is she?"
"No, she isn't. She keeps to herself most of the time." [spoiler]I switched Jackson's text to " ". Just in case you were confuzzled.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Okie[/spoiler] "Why's that? Can't get too far going solo."
"Well, that's just her."
"If she's ever to complete the new Raid Simulation, she can't solo it then."