originally posted in:The Ashen Conflux
Title: Tzetok's Memoir
Description: Their weapon is here, find it, destroy it.
Credit to the names Tzetok, and Valus Sar'aug goes to Naga007.
I'm thinking of scattering Grimiore cards around the raid describing the life of a Psion before and during their enslavement. And this will most likely he inaccurate to the actual lore of Psions.
The made up lore behind this is that the Cabal have brought a Deathstar like weapon powered by a Psion to Mars and we have to stop it.
To begin, you spawn in where you usually spawn in on Patrol Mars, then you go invisible, and it's nighttime, and there is a ginormous Cabal fleet in the sky with a giant cannon looking thing, and there are tanks floating around that can shoot their main cannon instantly, and the Cabal have set up a ton of barricades and patrols to keep unwanted visitors out from attacking them and stealing their Harvester they're going to fly to the rest of the fleet. Each Cabal unit is outfitted with a headlight, and some huge lens on their helmets to turn their turtle vision into hawk vision. The goal here is to reach the Harvester by either, A) Going in Rambo style and fighting all of the Cabal, which results in getting shot at by just about everything. Good luck going this route. B) Channel your inner Batman and stealth the hell out of this section, if you get caught, kill whoever spotted you fast, if you don't kill them fast enough, refer to option a. There is also a chest available to unlock by killing certain Cabal in order.
Once you're onboard the Harvester (aka hanging on the sides of it), kill everything onboard. If you don't do it fast enough, the doors will close and you'll be shut out of the ship, then you die for no good reason. If you DO however kill everything in time, you will see a message on the bottom left corner of your screen say, "Tzetok has detected you." Then you get rewards and a bright light followed by a loading screen.
Essentially, you spawn into a round room, an invulnerable Tzetok surrounded by strings of energy is floating in the middle of the room. Tzetok looks like a Psion Flayer, but the cloak part of it is what looks like only what I could describe as energy wings, plus his eye glows too. A message appears in the bottom left part of the screen, "Tzetok prepares the weapon". After a few seconds, Cabal start storming in from doors in the sides of the room. After most of the enemies are dead, the Tzetok's head will start glowing, your team must shoot his head when this happens or you'll all die. Rinse and repeat 3 times, each with harder adds than before.
After 3 times of shooting his face, he'll be damageable but he will detain everybody one by one randomly every 5 seconds. After everybody is detained, he'll start killing everybody slowly and one person will randomly be chosen to be "forgotten". Being "forgotten" will essentially un-detain you and you'll have to shoot Tzetok to free everybody else. He'll do this randomly while Cabal keep coming in. Also, Tzetok will float around the room shooting you with giant Arc bolts.
After his health gets to near zero, he teleports everybody into his mind. His "mind" consists of a neon looking, flowing strips of energy. And then you have to parkour through this area while avoiding bursts of energy from a giant glowing orb a ways away.
Once you reach the Orb, or technically, Tzetok's "mind", you have to dodge attacks from the mind and damage the Orb. Once damaged enough, everybody gets a perk called "Invaders of Light". Once you have the perk, everybody must jump into the Orb and everybody gets rewards, then the next part of the Raid begins, which consists of going through the memories of Tzetok and when they were enslaved.
Memory 1: Everybody spawns in to what looks like the top of a futuristic looking skyscraper, surrounded by other futuristic looking buildings. (I know, SO imaginative) After a few seconds, you can see what looks like the entire Cabal fleet descending on this peaceful looking city. Many explosions ensue, destroying the city fast. And the skyscraper you're on starts collapsing. It falls into another building, and if you time it correct, you jump into the building you're falling into. Soon after, a ton of Cabal, excluding Psions, appear jumping into the building beside you. One simple gunfight later, and three Harvesters appear to mow you down. Your team must hide and make their way to an elevator a ways away to move on.
During the elevator trip down, you can hear an audible explosion, and the elevator stops and the central part of the floor bursts open. (Your team is secretly timed at this part and if you don't make it you blow up.) You must parkour your way down while avoiding electricity bolts coming from the walls. A chest spawns somewhere around here. Once your team gets far enough down, and into an opening to another floor, the entire top of the skyscraper your team is under blows to pieces right above you. Blowing out the windows and walls surrounding you.
Time for the second boss, A giant ship that looks kinda like the Helicarrier and is a little smaller is hovering not to far from your team. Soon a ton of Cabal are dropped off at the other end of the destroyed section of the building your on. The arena you fight in is comprised of destroyed walls and building structure collapsed and sticking up from the ground. Cabal will start coming up through the floor and every few minutes, a Major Centurion is dropped in and is tasked with getting to a certain part of the map that is glowing. If a Centurion makes it to one of these spots, they become invulnerable. There are three glowing spots on the map that form a triangle (Illuminati confirmed), and if three Major Centurions make it to those three glowing spots, the entire area is bathed in a white light and your team is wiped. Every Major Centurion has a "bubble" that protects them and can be disabled if you go in to the bubble and destroy a backpack on the Centurion. And each Centurion has a bit of reinforcement to back them up, so yeah.
"How do I win though?", you might ask. Well, how to win is by splitting up into two teams, Drop Zone Team, and Centurion Duty. "What the heck does Drop Zone Team do?", well I'm glad you asked. There are two "drop zones" in the map, each defended by somewhere around 10-15 Cabal, every few minutes, a Major Centurion drops in like I discussed above. But Drop Zone Team doesn't concern themselves with him, they should be worried about boarding the Harvester that drops him off. Yes, you heard me correct, board the Harvester. (This is why Drop Zone Team has a much cooler name) Essentially, as soon as a Harvester comes in, DZT jumps in the openings in the side of the Harvesters, and it has to be timed perfectly, and by that, I mean everybody in DZT has to jump in at the same time. One sick hi-jacking animation later, one person is chosen at random to drive the Harvester, shoot the main cannon, and hang out the sides of the ship with a Heavy Slug Thrower. The pilot can either, mess around, or head toward the mini-Helicarrier in the sky and shoot out one of four thrusters on the ship. You take heavy fire from the ship and if you stay too long, you blow up. And you're timed on this as well and if you take WAY too long, a missile will come and blow you up.
The weapons on the ship are destructible, but respawn after a little bit. What you want to do here is 1: Have the person controlling the cannon on your Harvester shoot a thruster on the ship from farther away and take less damage, but take longer to destroy the thruster. Or, 2: Get up close and personal and have the Heavy Slug Thrower shoot the thruster, which is faster, but you take much more damage. Either way, as soon as you destroy one thruster, you go back where you came from and odds are that another few Harvesters have already dropped off a few Centurions and that the people on Centurion duty need help clearing adds. As soon as adds are cleared, jump out of the ship and a missile will come conveniently destroy it.
Rinse and repeat until all four thrusters on the main ship are destroyed. As soon as that happens, the ship will crash down beside the building your on and will open to reveal a not-so-tough giant Colossus by the name of Valus Sar'aug. He is essentially Valus Ta'aurc with a Heavy Slug Thrower that also shoots fast missiles. Kill this guy to get your precious loot and get assaulted by more white light and followed by a loading screen.
Part 2: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/172743550/0/0
Seriously, who comes up with these names ~ Cyde-6