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originally posted in: Europa RP
Edited by Dain Is Fren: 11/12/2015 4:15:43 AM
[b][i]A Small Planet Somewhere In the Europa System.[/i][/b] [b]A large, black ship lands. The ship resembles a squid, one big main area, with six long branches that stick out from the back. There seems to be several tinted windows all over the ship, about a meter in diameter. A large door begins to open right above the fourth jutting branch, and stairs look like they melt from it. As the doors open, a grinding sound makes an awful lot of noise, as if whoever's piloting it wants to be recognized. As the stairs fully form at the bottom and the door opens, a figure walks out of the ship. Their armor is a gleaming charcoal black, and it covers their entire body, rendering it unable to tell if the figure is male or female. It also has a mask on, and it looks as if it is made of the same material as the armor. A large sword juts out from behind their back, three meters long, and two feet thick. There is also a black flask of some sort of liquid strapped to their chest, sloshing around as they walk. They step off the first step, and walk all the way down the shining set of stairs, until they step onto the land of the planet. It has blue grass in all directions, and a few blood red trees. There is a city in the distance, magnificent grey walls rising upwards to the sky. The person sets off towards the city, getting their sword out along the way. As they approach, a guard stops them.[/b] Guard: "Halt! State your-" [b]His sentence is cut short by being cleaved in half by the armored figure. As they continue towards the city, several guards attack, only to meet the same fate as their colleague. The figure reaches the gate, and splits it open with its sword. They walk into the city, it is fairly small, only having a marketplace, living area, and a castle. It sets off towards to the living area because the marketplace is empty. Screams echo throughout the night as every man, woman, and child is systematically carved up by the figure, none of them even stand a chance. They move on to the castle, covered in blood. There are several guards at the gate, and the figure presses a button on their armor, and it starts playing Viva La Vida by Coldplay. As the figure cuts up the guards, more pour out of the castle. They cut them apart with ease. They move through the castle, the song gets louder and louder, until they get to the throne room. The King cowers in fear on the throne.[/b] King: "Please don't kill me! I'll give you whatever you want!" [b]The figure ignores this as it bisects him. The song now sings, along with the figure.[/b] "The old king is dead, long live the king!" [b]The figure turns off the music, and sends a transmission out to every one in the system.[/b] [i]Come to the following coords for food and booze! My enemies are dead, let us celebrate![/i] [b]The co-ordinates to the planet follow the transmission.[/b] [b]They clean up all the corpses and blood, and sits down on a chair in the castle throne room, but not the throne.[/b] [spoiler]Open to people who want to meet my character.[/spoiler]

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