Amen brother. 1600+ hours. Where they lost me? I'll tell you. Running hard mode, I get 300 leg drop. FŪCK off. (2) I grind my balls off to get my sword. Go to gunsmith and then wait for armsday. And like a infomercial "but wait there's more". Go grind some more... 12 hours to get a sword. (3) VOG and Crota gear is completely fućking useless. (4) INFUSING. Holy fúCK biscuits. Fire that moron and project manager that approved that!!!
Why grind away? There is no reason to, everything will be useless again in no time. Then more grinding. To grind some more and more. And all the aforementioned horseshit mentioned by all the fellow day one players that have come to the same conclusion.
GET OFF THE WHEEL GERBIL... You'll be happier when you do.
Fool me once, shame on Bungie. Fool me 2x shame on me. Cryptarch told me decoding destiny 2 will just be another rare item, no good to infuse into anything I have.
Did you really copy and paste that?