I was trying to het 2 grimoire cards from the house of wolves and for sone reason i am not getting them upon completion of the mission. The names of the 2 cards are hone to ground and the ruling house. I have done both missions several times. My mates told me that is how they got them. I also looked it up on internet and it says that is the way to get both cards. And since I really want a high grimoire I would love to get both of these 2 cards
[quote]Hey I was trying to het 2 grimoire cards from the house of wolves and for sone reason i am not getting them upon completion of the mission. The names of the 2 cards are hone to ground and the ruling house. I have done both missions several times. My mates told me that is how they got them. I also looked it up on internet and it says that is the way to get both cards. And since I really want a high grimoire I would love to get both of these 2 cards[/quote] same here, also not getting the last cards from dark below quests and exalted hive namely omnigul either
I already hade those glady hope i will be able to het thenother ones tho