After thinking about it, there is multiple reasons why people do this "im leaving" type of post, and in a way they benifit the players that stay.
For example, with so many of them Bungie is bound to notice and at the very least compare it to number of players still active, if they see the numbers dropping they are more likely to make changes. I know, I know....they already have the cash, but they do want to make more, and if these post are at the top of the forums all the time someone on the fence about making that purchase (new or for dlc) will think twice.
Then theres the fustrated players that need to vent, but hope things get better.
The list goes on and on, and if you truly don't care I'm confused as to why you would even reply.....if you don't care your actions say otherwise.
F' it, right? You enjoy the game ....go play, you don't like people to post their views....don't read, you want to let Bungie know your fed up witha certian aspect of the game .....thats one of the reasons the forum exist. Bungie will make or break themselves, lots of good ideas in this forum along with the crap, hopefully they are listening. I know when I get burnt out and move on to another game with the hope that I can come back to something better, if not......oh well, it kept my son and I entertained for a while, good memories, but if the game continues to feel broke I will let Bungie know why Im not coming back.
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