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originally posted in: 1000% AIM ASSIST (STARE)
11/12/2015 11:15:23 PM
I've explained this before, and I'll say it again. Even without aim assist, players will still be able to place a bullet in between your eyebrows with their sniper since it does not aim for you like you all seem to assume. The whole aim assist controversy going on right now is just plain silly. It doesn't aim for you. This isn't GTA. It doesn't curve the bullet. Not unless it's a primary weapon or heavy machine gun, which actually does benefit from aim assist's bullet magnetism. The most aim assist will do for snipers is slow the reticle while it's hovering on a target's body, and drag the scope a bit on a moving target. The bullet magnetism aspect of aim assist is almost non-existent, even on snipers with the highest possible aim assist, whereas primaries like MIDA Multi-tool benefit greatly from it.

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