Dear Bugei,
I for in a 7 year your gamfan and never write much of a letters. Today is enuogh, but sorry must have to talk....
@days ago falout4 came and we did. Desnity is now dead. Weres your players? 25millon? hahaha no dont i think so.
I have 109 freds on PSN, all from destine lats year. Loged on yesternight to play your RNG game and only 8 freds played your game. I do the steams on your game and this week onli 1 ppl watch on twich and hes my shcool fred Alecks Nabiev and he watch me run Maem Rumple? Crisple still broken - no sprise. what? i press Arcblad for a warlock and 2 and 3 hits for a not die? Eh Oh well, Shits for you Bugei! Hmm and yes, and i frogit. Wow....#days ago played in your Daly Herorc, i won it and no +15 Legend Mark and show it for not don on map screan? Fix your Bug plese.
So for a steam i hav a Blu Hunter t-shit and brown Garden shit i bring from your Bugei store for my wears. I sad in my twich steam "I will wear for it no more!!!" "Watch me plese i burn my Desitny T-Shits!!!" 12 ppl watch me how i put my 2 shits in a bin and throwed into a fire onto for it. t-shits burn, eybrew hairs burn, plasic bin meltburn and dad curpet small burn for an acsdent. But i dont car, Falout4 her, Desinty dead. Bibyei Bugei.... i quiet for good.
PS. Think if you disarge and im wong? Do a resarch on a compar for 4 week ago daly players login and for now becuaes Falout4 her. Now you will all soon have no jobworks for Bugei and will work it like my fred Alecks Nabiev for the bottl collecs off on the streets hahahaha.
Edit: Plese no hat talk. Talk hat and i will dont lisen.
Edit2: So many Bugei fanbos strong for this one.
Edit3: If anyon plays Suhkrab & Aiman: Kill for moneys (PC) - add in me: TyphBayzhanovDBZ
Edit4: I put out #satan harshtag for your reqest
Edit5: ploise a red in a Borat voice for it to make a cents
OP had stroke while typing. Prayers up