Considering how long this post has stayed trending, pretty sure its [i]anything but dead[/i], bro. And, if it [i]was[/i], why wouldn't Bungie just say it, outright? Why the silence?
Plus, this [i]exact[/i] issue already came up in TDB, when Bungie FIRST tried to leave our gear behind, and despite Bungie's initial silence (and players like you telling us to "accept it"), the collective complaints of the community ultimately resulted in Etheric Light.
So, forgive me if I don't stop fighting for Y1, just yet. ;)
Fight away friend - but you have missed one key fact - Bungie has announced their position on this matter. Not once or twice but numerous times - hence my comment the horse is, regrettably, dead.
Sauces? I've heard Luke, specifically, mention a few reasons behind the choice, yes, but nothing more "official" than that, and even then, that was pretty close to TTK's release (before all the backslash). However, to my knowledge, Bungie hasn't [i]officially[/i] defended the decision, in any capacity, and they [i]certainly[/i] haven't responded to any of the criticisms since TTKs release (many of which also already struck down Luke's initial arguments, as well). Again, though, Bungie [i]also[/i] initially defended their gear decisions in TDB, so it's still a fairly parallel situation. Plus, this time, they already set the precedent that they [i]would[/i] being gear forward, so there's that, too. XD