Thanks my dude. Ya know I only get bad comments from women, is that just a thing?
Idk, in my experience my female friends are always more picky. I have a wide taste in guys, but I also appreciate aesthetics personally. Even if I'm not into the person, I can still identify attractive physical traits. Your face is definitely handsome but some women are just really, really, [u][i][b]really[/b][/i][/u] picky. A friend of mine only likes guys with long hair, for example.
Thanks. One of my friends once said he would -blam!- me if he was a girl, but idk how to take that as saying he thought I was gay for 3 years.
You're welcome lol My guy friends say something similar. Instead of, "if you were a girl," they say, "if I were gay." They're usually more descriptive though. TMI kinda detail