Please add a load out option like call of duty (no hate plz), so for instance, i might have a "pvp sniper" loadout, having the jade rabbit, black spindle and a rocket launcher (i know i have two exotics mentioned, just an example). And you might have another loadout called "spray and pray", which has zhalo supercell, strongbow D and some machine gun. So in the middle of a game (effective afer respawn) you can easily swap to a group of pre-defined weapons, perks and subclasses. Please add this feature :D
This is already available with Destiny Item Manager, which is available through Google Chrome. I have Raid Load outs, strike Load outs, etc. it will transfer items and equip you preferred weapons and armor.
bumpity bump bump bump
already posted
Edited by PRINCE_ALI_1985: 11/23/2015 4:59:22 AMYes and they should add dedicated servers
support 100%
Please do this. I've wanted a way to choose load-outs easily pre-match in PvP forever. Be nice to quickly choose weapons once we know the map.
Spread this thread around please! Bungie might finally answer :D
YES!!! Please bungie! Loadout so we can select Raid and go! or Crucible and go!
I agree. I would love to build a Raid load out or a specific PVP type of build. From what I can see, this is the only thing that would make this superior to DIM from Chrome.
Agreed. Load out option is the only reason why I use DIM. Creating, Naming, and Selecting Loadouts is critical. This feature should be a default option on the web. I'm surprised it's not there in the beta. It would be AMAZING if you could incorporate it with the mobile Bungie APP. :) The other feature that both DIM and Bungie manager is missing is the ability to split resources up when you drag and drop them from one place to another. Tower Ghost allows this and it is an excellent way to manage excess or rare items that are better distributed between your characters. Have 205 Wormspore on your hunter? Drag 200 and drop it onto your titan and it prompts you with how many you would like to transfer. Very useful for Vault management. LOAD OUTS - Critical feature. Max light level. I like it. Thanks for doing this Bungie web / mobile dev team. :)
Loadouts would be awesome... I still use Destiny Item Manager because of that alone... Maximize light is a pretty nice feature though.
That would be cool. The Max Light option on the website is a good start.