Thank you Pahanin errata
Refer to pahinni if on iPhone then answer :
The real question is, does the improved range from hammer forged on imago over power the sureshot+hotswap target aqq on eyasluna:
[spoiler]eyasluna with litc and hot swap or loop with firefly spray and play and hammerforged[/spoiler]
Edit: most people seem to be leaning towards loop. Why!
Edit2: pvp eyasluna pve loop
Edit 3 . Spray and play feels more pve with firefly and if litc procs it hits a 112 headshot + a second 86 it's a two shot kill and with hot swap and sureshot is it works well for cleaning up body shots that didn't get litc from my eirene. Yet the hammerforged gives it longer reach can't decide!
Edit4 130 views on the imgur comment!
Could a mod make media viewable?
A pulse rifle