Lol come on really? Stop complaining about shotguns. They are not op and I keep seeing people posting about it.They took away shot package and blink is less obnoxious now so why all the fuss? You have to be in very close proximity to kill someone and on top of that you usually have to follow up with a punch. I know you like to hang back with snipers toasting marshmallows while you camp... Others would rather be in your face. Its all preference. Also lets not forget about lag that may also be playing a big part in your frustrations. One more thing shotguns are not overused just not a lot of other choices besides a sniper. Thanks for reading.
I can respect a skillful shotgun user, even if it pisses me off to no end. lol What was Bungie thinking when they made Conspiracy Theory - D a Quest reward? Shadestep+Shotgun combo is my absolute least favorite. x__x I just wish Fusion Rifles and Sidearms were more effective at countering them. I know my Sniper certainly isn't cut out for it, and I'm curious to switch it up and try a new, more mid-range approach. Though nothing feels quite so satisfying as sniping off one of the enemy group at the Control Zone/Heavy Box... With Hereafter. Yeah, I'm THAT asshole. I personally don't like to use shotguns because I play far too conservatively. Except as a Defender Titan. #ComeAtMeBro