I play destiny ALOT! I have had 3 different accounts with 6 characters so far and I've had gjallarhorn on all of them, it's been by my side since I got the game! And I know for almost all of us when the nerf came it was heart breaking :( BUT I have an idea!!!
This idea would not completely come full circle till year 3 dropped tho :(
Anyways you might be wondering what this plan could possibly be!!? Well I'll tell you right after this break!!
Ha gotcha the idea is to have bungie make a legendary gjallarhorn put in the game but the name is different obviously, but the description should read "Fear not little wolf, One day they will ignore you no longer. For your time is almost upon them."
So this legendary version would basically be a gjallarhorn but beat up broken (not really meant for pve or pvp, more of a trophy weapon) it would have the same perks as the gjallarhorn but they will not work correctly, the tracking would stop tracking half way to the target, the Wolfpack rounds (or wolfcub rounds) have a 75-90% chance to detonate and a 50/50 chance to actually track there target!
You might think this is pointless so far but the description is basically a clue that in year 3 they will bring the gjallarhorn back and make it a year 3 Exotic and they would rebuff it to its original power pre-buff so to say. Now having the legendary version would allow you to be able to get gjallarhorn without hunting it for a year! What I mean is if you have the legendary version when year 3 drops banshee will summon you and in exchange for the legendary version he would give you a quest! The quest could go something like
Step 1: Prove your worth
Get 100 kills with a rocket launcher (debatable)
Step 2:
Return to banshee
Step 3: Show your might
Defeat the Templar,
Defeat 5 gorgons
Defeat Atheon
Step 4:
Return to banshee
Step 5: Revenge
Defeat ir yut
Defeat Crota
Step 6:
Return to banshee
Step 7: The father of thy enemy
Defeat the warpriest
Defeat golgoroth
Defeat the daughters of oryx
Defeat the taken King
step 8:
Return to banshee
Step 9: Endurance
Complete 10 strikes
Step 10: strength of the pack
Get 20 rocket kills in crucible
Step 11: the comeback
Return to banshee
Step 12: beaten and broken.
Enter the twilight gap and hunt for a broken gjallarhorn
Step 13:
Return to banshee
Step 14:
Bring banshee 1 exotic shard
50 weapon parts
10k glimmer
Your blood sweat and tears from grinding (a joke)
Step 15: Alpha wolf
Return to banshee to become the alpha wolf and obtain your gjallarhorn (buffed back to its normal damage)
I know that sounds like a lot of work and grinding for anyone to do but the most powerful weapon should be earned through your will and love of the game and not received by some lucky drop.
Let me know what you guys think!
Edit #1 Bringing the gjallarhorn back would not benefit you at all in the Kings fall raid.. It would be more of a "let's go mess around and do some strikes" kind of weapon.. Gjallarhorn would be a disadvantage at all bosses in the Kings fall raid.
The 50 weapon parts step would kill us all!
You don't have enough Gjallarhorn kills to create an opinion about it. [spoiler]jk, would be cool though[/spoiler] ~[i]TheGreatNike[/i]
How about instead of that, we just have a baby Gjallarhorn (legendary) like Eyasluna or Red Spectre. It could share the same model (minus some wolf aesthetics) but be a different color. It should have a higher chance than normal to drop with tracking and MIRV mini (like hezen vengeance with tracking instead of tripod). It wouldn't be OP or anything but it would be pretty sweet to run around with: Imago Loop/Treads Upon Stars/Red Spectre/Eyasluna Black Spindle Baby Ghorn [spoiler]you could call it "Wolfeh" or something idfk Bungie makes cool names[/spoiler]
Forgot the 7 armsday and 3 weekly reset time gates
Sounds like a good idea, its not too hard to beat, just takes time. Just one thing though, when it says defeat 5 gorgons, crota, a the on etc. is that with the legendary gjallarhorn equipped so you have to use it against all bosses to make it its best *gjallarhorn*
Edited by RCA GANDHI: 11/15/2015 6:20:39 PMI'll give it to you, this is creative and thought out quest. Unfortunately I just don't believe it will happen. It seems that Bungie has acknowledged that they created a Rocket Launcher that was just over powered. Personally I didn't get the G-horn till Xur sold it the 2nd time, and i didn't get what all the fuss was about. Yes it was a great rocket launcher and fun to use but LFG kinda destroyed it with stupid requirements to have it or get kicked and many people just got sick of it and voiced their opinion leading to G-Horn being left behind. I did fine with my Hunger of Crota and even when I got G-Horn the only reason I left it equipped was because of stupid LFG demands to get into VoG or CE. Yes it did more damage, but really, you need 6 people to have it to take down Crota? That was just a joke. I loved getting into CE and hearing the fireteam leader say to someone "dude get your Gally out, if you don't your gonna get kicked" to someone, to which everyone else replied "Jesus are you serious man" and just laugh. So what now? I'm doing perfectly fine with the Choleric Dragon that holds 3 shells and has tracking. I'm fine leaving G-Horn in the past, and with all the other problems in the game I would hope that Bungie would focus their attention on those instead of reworking the Gally. My two cents.
A new ghorn might be the only thing to revive this ghost town
Unfortunately your idea is stumped by one small factor..... Gjallahorn was created from the armour of fallen guardians at the Battle of the twilight gap and was gifted to the surviving guardians to commemorate the loss of their fallen brothers In arms. So yeah it was born as gjallahorn, not evolved from something lesser like the hawkmoon.
No. No. No. No.
Bungie won't move for this. Gjallarhorn turned all their work and efforts to create a "fun" PvE experience into a joke. The gun made everything instantly just, "Alright, nuke 'em!" Instead of players adhering to the "mechanics" of the game.
I'm just surprised no one has reached a max light level yet like around 315-320 and then equipping a ghorn...and seeing how the damage is...because even tho the attack would be 170 the average light should still be above 300 on the character which should mean that the ghorn would have that type of effectiveness equivalent to the light level of your character, right?
No, at least not to its original power. LFG was broken with it. Oh, you don't have Gjallerhorn? You can't join this raid/strike/whatever.
You forgot step 16. - by the time you've completed all these ridiculous quests and obtained the gally you will be soo salty you'll leave destiny to play any other game
For all that shit I want a -blam!-ing gjallarhorn at 777
That won't work.. bungie is rng so [b][i] some[/i][/b] part of your master plan has to be rng based to fk over the players lol
I need help installing mods on Minecraft.
How about no? Gjallarhorn was a plague on this game. I'm glad it's gone.
I like it but I want a new God gun. Not a ghorn replica. Maybe a 50. Caliber sniper, or a a heavy duty SHOTTY that lobs like small explosives pellets
Edited by A Fallen Splicer: 11/15/2015 4:13:11 AMYou're an idiot Gjallahorn had been rebirth into Fallout 4
Instead of being the Alpha Wolf, you should make it so that in Crucible, you must receive the Strength of the Wolf.
That would not work lore-wise because ghallahorn was made from the armour of fallen guardians in battle of twilight gap. Having another model wouldn't make sense.
[b]Awful idea m8.[/b] You're welcome to your thoughts though good post.
No just no
I can smell the desperation