*Delta pops out* May I interrupt? But I believe I might know.
Who is it then?!?
"easy an Strike team from a unknown faction of the covenant"
Friendly or not?
"Unknown" "will find out now" Ok Delta.
Hurry up then.
"They say friendly" Well I am hungry. *walks to base*
Okay then. *lowers blades*
Who stole all the cookies?!
We've been out of cookies for a while now.
How come no one told me?
Because the kitchen is dark and no one ever put in lights.
oh. I will then *looks for light bulbs*
Yeah those got broken by the saw blade.
Umm I can go out and get some. Along with cookies and fish for you two if you need me to.
Sure but we're going to need an electrician as well.
Alright then where's the saw.
I don't know you took it somewhere.
oh right.
Ok I'm back I've got everything *puts a bag full of lightbulbs,cookies and salmons down
*takes salmon*
Now about the cat ears...
*blushes* What about them?
How long have you had them?
All my life.