[b]For those in Paris or with friends or relatives in Paris: Check in on this Facebook page to let your friends know you're safe! Also, check if your friends or relatives in the area are safe! [url]https://www.facebook.com/safetycheck/paris_terror_attacks/[/url][/b]
[quote][url=http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-34814203]France has declared a national state of emergency and has closed its borders after scores of people were killed in multiple gun and bomb attacks in Paris.
At least 100 people are reported to have died at the Bataclan concert hall in central Paris.
Gunmen took many hostages there before being overpowered when police stormed the building.
Others died in attacks near the Stade de France, with some reports suggesting a suicide blast, and at restaurants.
Paris residents have been asked to stay indoors and military personnel are being deployed across the city.[/url][/quote]
France 24 live news stream http://www.france24.com/en/livefeed/
Old updates:
[spoiler]Update 1:
Possibly 18 dead.
Update 2:
Reports of suicide attacks and hostage situations.
Update 3:
Suicide attack confirmed
26 dead
Update 4:
Up to 40 dead
This was in the stade de France. Horrifying.[/quote]
Update 5:
100 hostages in theater
35+ dead
Update 6:
60 dead
Update 7:
Obama says "...this is an attack on humanity..."
"The French people have stood with America for a long time, we will stand with them..."
Obama seemed to indicate this was a terroristic attack, saying that America has experienced attacks like this.
Update 8:
President Hollande has deployed the military in Paris.
Update 9:
French borders closed
100 hostages at theater
Reuters says 40 dead
Update 10:
Unconfirmed reports of executions in the theater.
Update 11:
60+ dead
Update 12:
Japan is under mild tsunami warning.
Paris residents are inviting those on the streets into their homes and apartments for shelter.
1,000 people were inside the theater when several gunmen entered.
Update 13:
[b]police have stormed the concert hall/theater[/b]
Update 14:
Attacks rook place in 7 locations.
Unconfirmed reports that 12 hostages have been rescued.
Update 15:
[b]Hostage crisis has ended, 2 attackers killed.[/b]
[url=https://v.cdn.vine.co/r/videos/E70A25580C1165116281414926336_271836fdf76.5.1.1007306032700273663.mp4?versionId=mLH6TbV.hiMoAmyDtXxjgp0D2qFp_HrN]Effiel Tower lights turned off in memory of the victims [/url]
Update 16:
[quote][url=https://twitter.com/afpfr?ref_src=twsrc^tfw]AFP "Dozens of dead in the Bataclan"[/url][/quote]
Dozens dead at theater. Awaiting detailed count.
Update 17:
[url=https://twitter.com/CherguiaMbark/status/665318017232822274?ref_src=twsrc^tfw]Suspect tells police he is from ISIS[/url]
Update 16:
At least 100 dead in the Batacla (the concert hall).
Calais Jungle (refugee camp in france) is [url=https://twitter.com/hashtag/CalaisJungle?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc^tfw]on fire [/url]
Update 18:
100+ confirmed dead in Batacla concert hall.
Update 19:
Cailas Jungle is not on fire.
French borders are not closed.
Update 20:
[url=https://twitter.com/sekielski/status/665326378322034689]Calais refuge camp is on fire, according to a polish reporter on scene [/url]
158 dead
Update 21:
Conflicting reports about the gunmen are rolling in, ISIS is not confirmed to be the attacker.
Update 22:
ISIS has been confirmed as the attacker
Death toll at 128
[quote][url=http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-34820016]Hospital officials now put the number of injured at 300. Eighty are in a critical condition.[/url][/quote]
[url=http://www.jpost.com/Breaking-News/Poland-says-cannot-accept-migrants-under-EU-quotas-after-Paris-attacks-433027]Poland is no longer accepting migrants in wake of attacks on Paris.[/url]
[url=http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/11/14/france-shooting-china-idUSL3N13903U20151114]Chinese President Xi says China will air France in counter terrorism efforts. [/url]
[url=http://www.dna.fr/actualite/2015/11/14/un-train-se-renverse-et-prend-feu-a-eckwersheim-pres-de-strasbourg]There has been an unrelated crash of a high speed rail train elsewhere in France, 5 dead. No signs of it being an attack.[/url]
Multiple terrorist attacks at 7 locations in Paris.
128 killed.
Hostage situation ended in a concert hall with the killing of two terrorists.
ISIS is responsible.
Military deployed in Paris.
Paris residents opening their doors to those on the street so that they can shelter in place.
Alright, let's clear some shit up: ISIS = evil. Muslims =/= ISIS. Muslims =/= evil.
Some of these comments are completely awful. What is wrong with you people? I'm ashamed to be apart of this community.
Edited by Kal: 11/19/2015 6:18:35 PMWell, time for round 3.
The bastards.
Edited by First Descendant: 11/14/2015 3:59:54 AM158 people murdered, By these "peaceful" Muslims. Yet our American Schools want to teach our children the Koran? Come on people wake the hell up, the people that are going on a killing spree in France were taught the same thing the schools are teaching your kids. Do you wanna just sit back and watch your kids become murderers?
[i]"Permission to leave Paris, sir." "For what purpose Master Chief?" "To give the terrorists back their bomb."[/i]
#ISISdeservesHELL spread the word
Edited by LandowskiC: 11/17/2015 6:34:22 AM
Edited by AlexanderSolomon: 11/17/2015 3:18:10 AMI'm honestly surprised they didn't blow up the Eiffel tower a la 9/11 and/or CoD
How cowardly does ISIS have to be to attack a country sterotyped for being pussies?
I'm assuming no worlocks with self res
Not to sound like a drag-off, but there was 12[b]9[b][/b][/b] dearhs
"Amoureux de la mort, si dieu existe, il vous exècre." ("Lovers of death, if God exists, he hates you") A quote that sums up my opinion from a cartoon by a survivor of the Charlie Hebdo attack earlier this year.
Brought to you from the Religion of Peace!
[i]"Religions are peaceful and loving"[/i]
Learned about it a while ago. Still mad about it. Why would someone do something like this?!
Bump, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=krVvunKr6lY
being serious, what the -blam!- do isis think they are gonna get? if it comes down to it America will just nuke the shit out of them-not saying its a good idea but they will if it comes down to it
Great, now they're gonna milk this terrorist attack for 14 years
I'm embarrassed to be part of this gaming community right now. I've read several comments about this tragedy right now and this is unhumane.
Edited by xMASTER RAHOOL : 11/15/2015 5:21:12 PMLet's make Isis the next raid boss in old Paris earth Edit no don't it is awful
I guess they PARIShed? Eh? [b][u][i]—Love, Captain Agent Butch Florida Flowers[/i][/u][/b]
Meow :(
Not my country, not my problem. Where was France's help during 9/11? #ParisdidntprayforUs