originally posted in:The Roleplay League
"So now my ability isn't limited to taking things with my sword?"
"Ha ha, anything else that you want to test me with?"
[i]Five acolytes behind you[/i]
[b]xerox turns around and thinks about taking them, trying to make it happen[/b]
[i]When you are trying to Take an enemy, it is similar to summoning weapons. Hold out your right palm, as it is where the Energy was given, and where it will more easily come out.[/i]
[b]xerox holds her right hand out and tries again[/b]
[i]Force your will upon them, and force them to do your bidding.[/i]
[b]xerox growls as she does that, her will stronger then theirs[/b]
A weak Taken Light appears on her hand.
[b]xerox begins to try harder, forcing her will upon the hive[/b]
This time it grew brighter, and smoke drifted from it to the Acolytes.
[b]xerox kept it up, not giving up[/b]
They circled the Acolytes and they were sucked into who-knows-where. (-Cayde-6) (JK) (you know what i mean.)
[spoiler]I got it[/spoiler] [b]xerox smiles as she lowers her hand[/b]
[i]Along your right wrist, you will see Five Taken Flames. They stand for how many you've taken.[/i]
[b]xerox tries to summon a taken[/b] "So is the limit the same as the sword?"
[i]Yes, since I've so generously given you a morsel of the Taken Power.[/i]
"Ok, makes sense. And I'm guessing this will be the only taken energy that I will get."
[i]Yes. Now there are downsides to this. Obviously, you can only take Five things at once.[/i]
"Of course, where would be the challenge if I could just take everything. What happens if I try to take more then one?"
[i]You can take Five and Five only. Take as much as you want at once. The second downside is that them being Taken is that it lasts about 5 Minutes.[/i]
"They lasted ten minutes with the sword."
[i]That was with a cooldown. Perhaps you would like a cooldown on when you can take and cannot?[/i]
"Nah, I'm fine with this."
[i]Anyway, the second downside is that you cannot take Taken.[/i]