Almost done already? What you been doing, wearing an adult nappie and taken an entire week off work lol by done you mean the main storyline, right?
Don't be a bitch
You think that's being a bitch? You're in for a surprise.
Ya you insulted him for no good reason other then he doesn't find bubbleheads
You need to get your eyes checked. I didn't insult him for not finding bobble heads. He said he finished the game days after its release, therefore my response was to ask if he'd wore adult nappies the whole time as completing the game that quick, one would assume he didn't leave the console.
Lol ok even he found it derogatory and uneeded look at his response as well someone has a little bit of extra time so what
I read his response, you know.. Back when the post was relevant? You've just come along on your high horse and feel the need to chirp up. Why? Do you owe him something? You come here telling me not to comment yet here you are yourself. Go solve some real life disputes where you can actually make a difference
Being a jerk like that was really unwarranted that why I had to say something
If you knew me, you'd know any comments I make should be taken with a pinch of salt. Notice I use the term "lol" and "haha" that's the best I can do to signify my light hearted but forward comments. In reality, you'd have known from my tone of voice and the way I presented what I said, that it wasn't supposed to be taken to heart or offensive. If I wanted to be a dick, the comments wouldn't be so pleasant.
Il really hair arguing just to argue
Couldn't understand that
I'm arguing because I can
This isn't an argument. This is a discussion.
I am discuss because I can
Yes you can, feel free to discuss anything you want to.
Don't be a bitch
Lola's what were we yelling about
I want to discuss thag
Your opinion sucks
Because haha was located in the comment because that comment could not be perceived as hurtful because we can hear your voice K
I just told you your post was mean and should think about it and you attack me ok
Shit sorry I said anything lol. Wasn't asking you anyway.
Perception is in the Museum of Freedom. On a desk when you met Preston Gravey. Repair is at the very top of the Corvega assembly plant. Charisma is in the Parsons Insane Asylum. I also found big guns, but can't remember for the life where.
Good, because first of all; I wouldn't tell you anyway, and second.. I don't know myself haha!