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11/14/2015 5:42:48 PM

Trials of Osiris Elitists

This isn't really a rant, but more of a "I wonder if people think the same as me" sorta thread. I like a bit of PvP, I'm not the best and although it's infuriating as heck sometimes, it can be a lot of fun when you're playing with friends. I'm also mildly in love with the Titan's Trials helmet <3 but I digress... As I browse the ToO recruitment forums, a solid 99% of posts are "must be good" "must be year 2 flawless already" "must have over X KD" etc etc... Now, there's nothing necessarily wrong with the posts themselves, after all ToO is technically designed for those who are better at PvP and thus wish to be rewarded appropriately for those skills; HOWEVER, it gets a little bit disheartening for people like me, who just want to do a casual Trials run, have a bit of fun with new people and complete a few of the bounties on the way, when it seems almost impossible to find a group of people who have that same "casual" mindset as me. I'd like to see maybe more forums posted aimed at those who are a little bit more of a casual PvP-er (I play a lot more PvE than I do PvP), so that we can still partake in the activity. Again, I'm not necessarily ranting at these elitist players, they're in their right to want to do it as best as they can, but I feel like not enough people take part in ToO because they don't feel like anyone would accept them in because their KD isn't good enough or whatever. The same can be said about the raid and the PvE elitists, but that's for another post that I'm sure many have made.

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  • Make your own group stating your playing for fun/bounties and not too bothered about flawless I have done this a couple of times and I always end up with a decent team of non elitists :) Even made it to 6-0 one time by accident haha

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