So I am trying to decide between an Xbox One and a PS4. I've been trying to decide for months, but neither seems better than the other. I really can't decide, so I'm going to let RNG choose for me!
I'm going to raid 3 times: King's Fall, Crota's End, and Vault of Glass. If I get Monte Carlo (The only PlayStation exclusive item I'm missing), or Icebreaker (to complete my year 1 collection), I will buy a PS4. If I get don't, I'm getting an Xbox One.
Maybe if I get any PS exclusive it will be a PlayStation for me. I'm not sure. I'm mainly aiming for Monte Carlo or Icebreaker.
Have suggestions for rules?
I don't care about data.
My brother has a PS4, and I want to play with him, but I also want to play with friends on Xbox.
EDIT: I ACTUALLY GOT IT! I got Monte Carlo from Atheon! Inspect my Titan! WHAT ARE THE ODDS?! I'm getting a PlayStation!
Mmmm.... I have both consoles.... I have Destiny on both consoles.... played them on both.... on my Xbox One I have a lvl 10 & lvl 1 hahaha.... on my PS4 I have 3 guardians lvl 40 with 310+ light lvl. With appropriate gear & weapon my hunter is my highest with 315 light lvl... so yeah... from experience I prefer the PS4. But I like gaming in general I'll eventually play one day on my Xbox One when I have absolutely nothing else to do... which will be quite a while since I have Fallout 4, COD BO3 & Halo 5.