Well i am bored now .. haven't played on my ps4 for like 2 or 3 weeks now
Missing a lot of games
So Tell me a joke :)
Edit: humph didn't expect this many responses .. there are great ones and a couple of bad ones with a hint of idiot ones
here comes a joke my teacher told all the time: two tomatoes were crossing a road. one of them got run over by a car and then the other one goes: come on, ketchup! [spoiler]*sigh* we had to laugh in order to get good grades[/spoiler]
My life. >shoots self >ded
Your life.
The LGBT community.
Donald Trump
What's the difference between snow tires and black people? [spoiler]snow tires don't sing when you put chains on em [/spoiler]
I once met a girl with twelve nipples. Sounds funny, dozen tit.
So a rich old man has a choice to marry one of three super models. But he can't decide which one he wants to marry so he gives them each 5,000$ to spend and then he would decide once he saw what they bought. The first girl bought a bunch of make up that fit perfectly for her and made her look even better than before. "I got this makeup so I can look my best for you all the time because you deserve the prettiest girl" The second girl bought a bunch of clothes that made her body look like a goddess. "I bought these clothes for you to show how sexy I can be. I want to be at my best for you because I love you so much" The third girl took the money and invested it and got a return worth triple the original amount. "I invested this so we could have a stable future together and so our children won't have to worry. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So the old man sat down for a day and thought long and hard about the girl he would marry. In the end he married the girl with the biggest tits.
Why did the Tsundere cross the road? We don't know, apparently they didn't mean to "or anything." Knock knock. Who's there. King tut. King tut who? Would you like some King Tut-ky fried chicken?
What did the fish say when it hit the wall [spoiler]damn[/spoiler]
My go-to joke: A guy went to a zoo All the zoo had was one dog It was a shih tzu
Edited by Indeprived: 11/18/2015 10:22:41 PMWhat's the best part of an Isis joke? [spoiler]The execution[/spoiler] Those people in France... [spoiler]They really [u]paris[/u]hed no?[/spoiler] What's the most confusing day in the hood? [spoiler]Fathers day[/spoiler] Have you ever heard of Ethiopian food? [spoiler]Neither have they[/spoiler] What's the difference between a Mexican and a bench? [spoiler]A bench can support a family[/spoiler] What's a Mexicans favorite sport? [spoiler]Cross country[/spoiler] 911 jokes are [u]plane[/u] wrong, I don't talk about them because my grandfather died there... [spoiler]He never really was a good pilot [/spoiler] How do you get a Jewish girls number? [spoiler]Roll up their sleeve[/spoiler] What do you call a flying Jew? [spoiler]Smoke[/spoiler] *Edit One: How many babies does it take to paint a house? [spoiler]Depends on how hard you throw them[/spoiler] What does a black man do after having sex? [spoiler]Jail time[/spoiler] Why do all black people have nightmares? [spoiler]We killed the one that had a dream [/spoiler] What did the homeless man give to the little girl? [spoiler]A.I.D.S[/spoiler] Why are black people fast? [spoiler]All the slow ones are in prison [/spoiler] How many Jewish people can you fit in a car? [spoiler]3-5 in the seats... And 6 million in the ash tray[/spoiler] How do you get baby out of a blender? [spoiler]chips[/spoiler] What's puffy and taps on a window before it explodes? [spoiler]A baby in a microwave[/spoiler] Tell me if you want more...
What do you tell a woman with two black eyes? [spoiler]Nothing, you already told her twice !![/spoiler] [i]props to Cnutts[/i]
My life Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah........
Edited by Judson: 11/16/2015 10:24:22 PMA man has 3 girls The first girl goes up to him and says "daddy why is my name daisy?" Dad - "because when you were born a daisy fell on your face" Second girl goes up to him and says "daddy why is my name rose?" Dad - "because when you were born a rose fell on your face." Third girl say - "DDDAAARRGGGH!!!" Dad - "shut up cinder block!" [i]props to my man Jello[/i]
Edited by eres un payaso: 11/23/2015 1:29:27 AMKnock knock Who's there? Lettuce Lettuce who? Lettuce in! [spoiler] https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DfyEThSM4JnI&ved=0ahUKEwjonuf3saXJAhUEWCYKHeSaAu8QuAIIHDAA&usg=AFQjCNGRBc-eOmZrD7IT70xxUL7pAhA6tA [/spoiler] [spoiler]i make myself laugh [/spoiler] [spoiler][/spoiler] [spoiler][/spoiler] [spoiler]i have no friends [/spoiler] [spoiler]video is worth it [/spoiler]
I have bad jokes...
Here's a joke[spoiler]me[/spoiler][spoiler]hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/spoiler][spoiler]cries[/spoiler][spoiler]and cries[/spoiler][spoiler]and cries[/spoiler]
[quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][quote][spoiler][quote] Because you opened this. you will get kissed on Friday by the person you love or like. Tomorrow will be the best day of your life. Do not break this chain. You have 2 minutes this is not a fake...apparently. Forward this to 15 people in the next 15 minutes and you WILL have the best day of your life tomorrow. You're number one crush will either KISS, ask you out, or call you. If you break this chain, the little girl named Kaitlyn who died 2 years ago on a car crash will be in your room TONIGHT! Good luck <<3, and your time starts, right know No Cheatin[/quote][/spoiler][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote][/quote] bo[/quote]
What do you call two crows an a branch?
A man walks into the bar with one shoe on. The bartender asks "Aren't you missing a shoe?" The man replies "No, I found one."
A cowboy, native American , and black guy are sitting on a fence. NA: [i]jumps off fence[/i] I use to be one of many, now I am one of few. Black guy: [i]jumps down[/i] I was one of few, now I is one of many. Cowboy: yeah, well we didn't play cowboys and nìggers yet.