Actually I wouldn't want to look like a steroid using retarded -blam!-, believe it or not
If you think I'm on steroids you already are retarded
Like what you think I want to look like that? I'm perfectly fine with how I look. Option D: you're just a hyped up steroid using fúck who is gonna peak in high school and then be shit for the rest of your life. You skip schoolwork and friends just to work out? Wow
No I choose not to have a lot of friends specifically because I am a loner and like to workout and I choose my school work wisely I don't do/delay assignments that don't matter if I need to workout And as much as I'm sure you get some comfort in calling me a roid head the reality is I just work my ass off and make sacrifices to follow my dreams while you bitch and complain about how hard your school work is
Haven't bitched or complained about it so fat