Why did the baby cross the road?
[spoiler]It was stapled to the chicken.[/spoiler]
What s the difference between a baby and a lambo?
[spoiler]I don't have a lambo in my garage.[/spoiler]
What is the difference between a baby and an onion?
[spoiler]I cry when I chop up onions.[/spoiler]
How do you get a baby out of a blender?
[spoiler]Tortilla chips. (That was hard to spell)[/spoiler]
What did the cannibal do after he dumped his girlfriend?
[spoiler]He wiped his bum.[/spoiler]
Knock, knock?
Who's there?
[u][i][b]NOT THE BABY[/b][/i][/u]
I don't get it
How many babies does it take to paint a wall?? [spoiler]depends how hard you throw them[/spoiler]
Dang it! Forgot that one. Still good though, gg
[quote]How many babies does it take to paint a wall?? [spoiler]depends how hard you throw them[/spoiler][/quote]
[quote][quote]How many babies does it take to paint a wall?? [spoiler]depends how hard you throw them[/spoiler][/quote][/quote]