Seeing as Cozmo has taken the time to not only respond, but correct what happened, I'm editing this post out of deference to that acknowledgment.
Thank you to everyone who supported and bumped and thank-you to Cozmo for stepping up.
Edit: it's pretty sad that there's a group with nothing better to do than report these posts and get the system to pull them down.
Nothing like empowering the trolls.
Wouldnt be suprised if the entire team are only two members ,Cosmo and Deej, wouldnt that be funny. Good for you Sols but it doesnt really changes annything, it just give you a artificial feeling of being a part of this games development/feedback. They never have taken us seriously at anny point, look at this dlc, the grind is even worse then ever. Do like your posts , they are a better read then the game is at the moment.