A Blue, white and red shader for your Guardians to use, that you purchase with $1. The proceeds from every $1 would be donated to a relief-effort for the victims of the Paris Attacks; their medical bills, or funeral expenses for the families who have lost someone.
Our community is now over 25-million players strong. If each of us donated just $1, that would generate $25-million in financial aide for the people in need.
For answer 3, please leave a suggestion in the comments below.
Edited by movelast94: 11/16/2015 7:10:59 PMFirst i thought was stupid. But if u r donating for something good is probably better than all the dumb people posting on social networks. If u want to do something and u care, just do something, changing your profile picture is useless and selfish. It's sad that u need a virtual exchange to make something good...