Trailblazer (Solar)
Sword Art (Replaces grenade. Deals damage based on how much melee energy charged. Quickly generates a sword and does one of three things): Cyclone (Circular slash), Rushdown (Short Dash forward), Triblade (Slash three times in front, but a melee charge is required to be full, and Armor is decreased if selected)
Melee (Sol Blade): Melees consume 10% energy, whether they hit or not. The player uses a short sword and swipes at anything in front of them. Pick 1 of 3:
-After 2 swings, the third will be 30% more powerful. For every consecutive quick hit, melee damage will be buffed by 4%.
-Double energy consumption. Sword has longer reach and weakens the armor of the target.
-All energy consumed on swing. Throw the sword at far targets. The blade will explode and ignite on impact.
Super (Zantetsunken): Has three charges that each can be charged with three orbs. The first charge will allow the player to dash about 6 meters forward, dealing high damage to everything in front. For each charge used and each half-second the buttons are held down, damage increases by 110%. 1 of 3:
-Charging even after super energy is expended drains health as well, further increasing damage per second charged and 20% health lost.
-The ground behind the player ignites and explodes, finishing off any survivors. Bodies explode as well.
-Super takes longer to charge, and only has one full segment. The player will direct five extremely powerful but short dashes consecutively.
Special Perks 1:
-Dealing melee damage drains 5% health from the user each time, but kills with melee restore full health, melee energy, and some extra super energy.
-Gain an extra charge for Zantetsunken, unless using the one-charge perk. If using it, gain 2 extra dashes.
-While using a sword heavy weapon, gain 1 ammo per 10 seconds for it.
Special Perk 2:
-Taking damage from any source gives you a damage buff to your next hit (gun, melee, etc) proportional to the % of health lost.
-Sword Arts are always charged.
-Fully charged Zantetsunken kills charge up the next Super (20 kills in one super would fully recharge the super)
Jump: Blink, Farther Blink, Blink+ (One extra charge), Power Blink (Deals light damage to anything in the way)
Berserker (Colorless)
Instead of grenades, the player can decide whether to equip 2 different primaries, specials, or heavies at the same time. They will be dual wielded, and cannot be aimed with. Discipline affects how little your accuracy will decrease with these weapons.
Melee (Pure Brass): Melees can deal precision damage. Strength increases the precision multiplier. Does not use charges. 1 of 3:
-Holding the melee button will result in a harder punch. Landing will increase damage by 50% and will always stagger, but missing it causes the user to stagger for a second.
-Double tapping melee results in a second, shorter ranged punch.
-Take 20% less damage while meleeing.
Super (Bloodlust): Charges only by getting melee kills or taking damage. Has three tiers:
-One (400 damage taken or 10 melee kills): Dual-wielded guns have a chance to not consume ammo and deal more damage for 12 seconds. Take 40% less damage
-Two (1600 damage taken or 40 melee kills): Dual-wielded guns fire faster and will greatly improved accuracy as well for 15 seconds.
-Three (4000 damage taken or 100 melee kills): Dual-wielded guns fire explosive, bouncing, piercing projectiles along with everything else. Take 1/3 of normal damage, and taking damage prolongs the 20 second duration of the super. Pick 1 of 3:
-Using the super while in critical condition fully heals the user, gives them an overshield, and duration increases by 30%.
-Melee speed during super is doubled. Melees cause explosions and knockback.
-Gain ammo regen at 2% of reserves per second for dual-wielded weapons.
Special perk 1:
-Hipfiring does not penalize range
-While ignited, deal more melee damage thats also solar-imbued.
-While still, crouched, and shooting, gain a frontal shield that defends against 1/4 damage.
Special perk 2:
-Hipfire kills give back 5% health. +2 recovery.
-Melee kills ignite the user, but speeds up movement while walking. +1 Agility.
-While any tier of the super is charged, melees give double energy.
Jump: Lift
Silent Thunder (Arc)
Grenade: Flux, Flashbang, Stinger (Sticks and deals arc damage over time and arcs to other enemies for 5 seconds)
Melee: Throws an arc dart. The enemy isnt notified that they were hit. The dart duplicates to nearby enemies. Hitting the melee button again causes the dart to explode, dealing heavy damage to all enemies with one attached. Wont start recharging again till it detonates. 1 of 3:
-Charges slower. Throw three darts at once with soft tracking.
-Enemies take 10% more damage while a dart is on them. Killing an enemy with a dart attached without detonating it will cause them to blind and explode other nearby.
-Enemies are notified by darts, but arc damage to their friends constantly for 10 seconds. Starts charging again as soon as its thrown.
Super (Tragic Storm): Can only be charged by attaching enemies with darts or duplicate darts (20 in total to charge). Once the super is used, all attached enemies will have multiple lightning bolts dropped on them. Pick 1 of 3:
-Lightning bolts reattach darts to enemies, quickly recharging the super.
-Lightning bolts deal more damage and arcs to nearby enemies.
-Lightning bolts explode and leave a shock burn on enemies. Shock burn is an ignite that gets worse the more you move. Last for 8 seconds, or 12 ticks.
Special 1:
-Crouching makes you invisible until you shoot or stand. Throwing darts or using super wont break invisibility.
-Grenades arc extra lightning off to nearby enemies.
-Invisible while low on health. Killing an enemy while invisible starts health regen. Cooldown of 20 seconds.
Special 2:
-Firing a primary while invis will not break invis. Bonus precision damage while invis.
-All primaries deal arc damage plus their normal element. Enemies killed by primaries have a very small chance to explode into lightning.
-Double-tap crouch to blink sideways.
Jump: Blink
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