No where in your forum post did you say that you had "good look" (Looks*). I understand wanting to look cool on the off topic forum is your goal for tonight. But that won't happen with me. What was meant as a harmless joke was taken seriously by no one besides you. You didn't have to reply to me, you know that right? You don't have to go out of your way to make me look stupid, because it won't happen here, friend.
Another boy with daddy issues confirmed.
Think before you >TYPE< not write.
It's okay, I forgive your saltiness
Woah! Kid! Calm down!
Calm down, stop yelling, kid.
Are you okay? From all that salt?
It's okay, don't be salty.
Are you salty?
It sounds like you're...salty.
You didn't capitalize the "I" in your sentence. For someone who claims to see how people think, you don't really know proper grammar. o.o