Well it's safe to say I won't be looking back. It hasn't been fun. Bye bye density
People, the game is literally worth 2 dollars
Apparently it needs to be stated that I don't have the legendary edition of Destiny or the digital version..
Well that's a better reward then I got from the raid this week
Obviously photoshopped. [spoiler]sarcasm[/spoiler]
Edited by Kool Prodigy: 11/17/2015 6:43:13 AMYou should've put in a blender, more fun to watch.
*whisper*Psst...take me with you.
Gangster. That's how the real quitters do it. But did you delete all your chars?
Looks like a pokeball
You know you could have given it to some kid who has no video games or sold it. You just basically cut twenty dollars at least in half.
That disc is worth about $7.00.
Make about 10 more slices and then you have destiny and all of its cut content!
Edited by InspectahDeck951: 11/17/2015 6:13:12 AMi'll be doing the same. but wait i have the digital copy so i'm screwed joining raids with incompetent & elist idiots have ruined this game
Edited by JZC II: 11/17/2015 6:00:59 AMI guess it was its destiny.....
He will go buy a new one or he has it downloaded
I don't think cutting the disc in half affects it's density at all.
Kk bb
You could've sold it, y'know...
But but you're pretty :/
Why didn't you just sell it?
Oo you rustled my jimmies good job sir gold star for you!