Star Wars Battlefail currently has a 73 on metacritic with more mixed reviews than positive. It was obvious that this game was a cash grab lacking mode's.
It's sad to know that E.A. have the licence, the day's of great Star Wars games like KotOR are long gone.
What score do you guys think Star Wars Battlefront will achieve on metacritic over the next few days? My prediction is a 66 overall...
EDIT: PS4 version has a 74 overall. Link below...
EDIT 2: PC version is the lowest rated of all versions, the graphics will be vastly superior on PC. It currently has a 70. Link below....
Here are the numbers, look at how low the player base is for a new release. Star Wars BattleFail definitely flopped...
Shout out to DeusFever for bringing these stats to my attention...
Want to base everything off of reviews, fine. But don't use that Metacritic bullshit.
Edited by Brindle_Badger: 11/19/2015 2:18:25 AMI didn't find it overly enjoyable But I'm sure other people love it So wouldn't call it a flop
I love how people don't take into account metacritics score. It's not like they pick a number, it's an average score of all the reviews they've seen. User reviews on the other hand are completely biased, and a lot of them are trolls that just give games a 0 because they can. Battlefront may not be a spectacular game, but it's not doing bad. Mediocrity is better than a "flop". It just didn't meet many players expectations. It is by no means a flop, but I knew it wasn't going to be that great. It's still enjoyable, just not something you'll play for long.[spoiler]I have EA access, so I'll just wait until it hits the vault.[/spoiler]
If this game doesn't do well, DICE might be moved closer to the EA paper shredder..
Edited by SXF Infinity: 11/20/2015 1:12:48 PMWhat did you expect a EA game that people enjoyed?
Yeh the game won't win any awards but it looks nice and it's fairly fun. The add-ons will need to be really good for this game not to fall completely off the radar In a month or 2
You trust Metacritic, shame on you.
I'm having fun with it.
Flopped? We're just getting started folks. Deployment preparations for the "Battle of Jakku" are being made. Grab your blaster and and load up.
It's sad when people automatically trust reviewers. You cant really say if a game is good till you play it yourself. I was sceptical after the beta but the actual game is really good. The graphics and sound are top quality and more important it's actually a fun game to play. I can see it getting a bit stale after a few months but how is that any different to the majority of games these days.
Why the -blam!- would you use metacritic people are giving fallout and witcher a 0 score because they can't afford the game
For me personally the only disappointment I had was that you could not fight A.I in the regular multiplayer game modes. That's all I was hoping for to be honest.
As soon as I saw a metacritic link, I stopped and decided not to Read.
1.) Trusting metacritic isn't exactly the thing I would do, they've had weird reviews several times in the past 2.) You call a 74 a flop? Are you like some perfectionist or something? 74 is [i]by no means[/i] a flop 3.) [spoiler][u]OPINIONS ARE OPINIONATED[/u][/spoiler]
Remember kids, it's only a flop if it doesn't make much money
I've played nearly twenty hours of it and yes it is a bit repetitive but what multiplayer shooter isn't! If your a Star Wars fan you will love it like me and with friends it's great fun. I'm not going to stop playing anytime soon!!
-played beta -hated it -wont buy it -will sell it if I get it for Christmas Its bad. Took all that was wrong about the originals and improved nothing.
It was to hype up the movie Grab people's cash And look pretty. The only reason this game was "successful" was because he amount of sales it got just by having the title "Star Wars" in it.
Since i played the beta and then EA access i give the game a 4/10. It's fun for a moment, then it gets very boring, doesn't feel that much as the other Battlefronts, graphics are great but misses a lot of details, hate that its FPS by default, bad servers and last, expensive DLC. This game is BS
Edited by Twitchyloner: 11/21/2015 5:19:06 AMAverage game sure, but if you're a massive Star Wars fan this game is beautiful to look at. Which still peaks my interest, after 40 minutes it does get boring, but after you have a break, you crave it.
It should be called Star Wars battlefield. It's not anywhere close to similar to 1 and 2. Also dice made battlefield as well as this Star Wars game
Today I played Walker Assault and found the hero power up. I became Boba Fett and I went 82 and 2.. This game portrays Boba well.
I got it a couple of days ago, without playing it first or reading reviews. I love Star Wars, but this game sucks. I'm forcing myself to give it a chance, but honestly, it's sooooo simple. When I'm playing it, I just keep thinking "oh, this would be a good game if my nephew visits me." He's 7. There doesn't seem to be anything to work towards during matches, guns aren't customizable, and the hud is worthless.
Edited by Sapphire: 11/21/2015 3:37:24 AMMet a crit ic That said, I'm not crazy over the game.
It's all a matter of opinion.
It really didn't, also you Trust reviews sooooo