1. Bad days... everyone has them. Some more than others.
2. If my friends want to play and they suck, I won't stop them. Please, go ahead and drop my KD by 2 points.
3. Crap-design quests (shindig in the crucible. Inb4 all the year 1 scrubs who grinded TLW in Y1 say "that quest literally took me 3 games hahaha!" No one cares, that gun is crap and the quest is shit).
4. not using OP weapons and/or subclasses (AKA- "crucible easy mode"- sunbreaker, pulse rifle, shotgun, prox. detonate rocket)
5. People who take some time to get used to PVP or coming back from a break, the first few games come out below 0.5 and that kills it for them.
Comment your own, I'll edit them in the post if i like them :D
The thing that, in my opinion, defines a good player is SPM (Score Per Minute), and in a way grim score.
If KD doesn't matter, then why did he try so hard?: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DdQw4w9WgXcQ&ved=0CB0QyCkwAGoVChMIhvWN3dGXyQIVxe8mCh0MsAdY&usg=AFQjCNF4S1CbXh9O_EKlE4dhbppfGWnJvQ