*Punches knives out of the air*
[spoiler]I thought I made myself clear, you arsehole.[/spoiler]
Edited by FlAgtWash: 11/17/2015 7:36:36 PMHaha, I'll kick your ass all day every day bitch
Then quit nagging, and start fighting! *Puts on shotgauntlets*
Haha you think you can stop me with those shitty things? *Pulls out knives*
I don't think. [spoiler]I [b][i]know[/i][/b].[/spoiler]
*Throws one knife to distract back flips and lands on top of you*
*Punches the knife away, and catches you* You're a bit heavy aren't you, you SoB? *With a little bit of muscle, throws you off*
*Back flips in air and lands perfectly* [spoiler]I way over 1,000 pounds in the suit you can lift that[/spoiler] Perhaps *Shoots a few rounds at you then holsters magnum then charges and tackles*
*Barrel rolls to get away from bullets* Rock and a hardplace, huh. *Knees you in the chest just as you jump to tackle me, then extends the same leg in a kick and kicks you away*
*Slides on my feet and just stares at you* Humph... [spoiler]you want to play unfair I'll play unfair[/spoiler] *Gains unlimited over shield and speed boost and throws 5 knives at you in less then a second*
Well, then. [spoiler]I don't really see how unfair I was compared to you...[/spoiler] *Punches all 5 knives out of the air with one punch* [spoiler]But I'll take an eye for an eye....[/spoiler]
*The knives go so fast and hard they cut your knuckles and damage your gauntlets*
AAAghh.. *Looks at knived knuckles, then back at Wash* So.... THIS is how it allll comes to end.... Look. As much as I love your badarseness and all, I just want to know one thing from you... [spoiler]What happened to your soft side, David?[/spoiler]
*Throws 2 more extremely fast* Its gone.
Edited by PKun, Grey Knight: 11/18/2015 12:48:33 AM*Catches both with my chest, and starts limping toward you* Oh come ON, David. You can't be that cold-hearted forever. Remember CT? How you [b][i]tried[/i][/b] to comfort her? Or maybe York? What about North?
I lost bits of it when I lost the closest friends *Throws one into your leg* [spoiler]Overshield and speed boost deactivate[/spoiler]
*Catches it with my leg, and limps more slowly* Plus, I'm not the problem. Red and Blue? They're not the problem either. [spoiler]The AIs were your problem. Had Epsilon not been implanted in you at all, we wouldn't even have this battle/conversation...[/spoiler] So open your eyes, damnit!
I have! But the blues helped me I owe them! Don't you remember I was being hunted! And when I needed help the blues helped me
But I'd bet my life the Reds would've helped, too, if they weren't so busy with other BS! Yes, [b][i]the Reds[/i][/b] helped [b][i]you[/i][/b] in defeating Meta! Let me ask you this, David: If you knew someone needed your help but you were busy defending yourself and them, what would [b][i]you[/i][/b] do, you selfish being!
You don't know me! And I would help the other person then take out the man I was fighting!
Well maybe you ARE right, for all we know! But all I'm saying that after you did for each other, I bet the Reds would've helped fake your death if they had the [b][i]chance[/i][/b]. You just need to stop assuming they wouldn't help one of their best friends. You even said it [b][i]yourself[/i][/b], that "they're not bad, once you get to know them"! And what do you do! You turn against your friends just because your [b][i]other[/i][/b] friends "asked" you to. But aside from all that... [spoiler]*Stops right in front of you, now just staring into your visor, all knives still lodged in me*[/spoiler] All I'm asking is for you and Blue to simply drop this. Let there be peace between the Reds, the Freelancers, and the Blues. And if one side were to break that peace, the other two can re-align the peace. Or else... [spoiler]If [b][i]you[/i][/b] break this peace after it's settled in, Wash, I won't just [i][b]beat[/b][/i] you, I won't just [b][i]beat[/i][/b] you down... WASH, I will plan on making you my [b][i]bitch.[/i][/b] And you will feel every stomp, every kick, every punch, as I take you apart piece by piece, until you're in your dead friends' arms.[/spoiler] So if you will accept my request, and Red and Blue do the same, we can all focus on fighting [b][i]with[/i][/b] each other, not [b][i]against[/i][/b] each other. [spoiler]*Winces each time as I pull out the knives in my knuckles and chest, and hold out my bloody hand to you*[/spoiler]
*Stabs a knife into your neck* Haha, makes me laugh thinking someone as broken and mentally broken as yourself could bring me down and make me his bitch... You have no idea who you are dealing with. So back off. And I never started this! The Reds and blues did! Hell I went to war against them both before my best friend convinced me to sign a treaty with the blues that's the only reason why! And the Reds and blues have no real troops to end this only us freelancers do! So that's what's going to happen!
Actually, David, as much as you think you've won, I could care less what you think of me... [spoiler]*Pulls the knife out of my leg and stabs into your visor + face*[/spoiler] And I laugh at the fact that you think I would back away from you out of fear. But in reality... [spoiler]*Pulls the knife out of my neck*[/spoiler] You just made yourself a fool... [spoiler]*Pulls the knife out of your face and rams both knives into your chest*[/spoiler]
*Dodges the one for my visor and uppercuts you and as you go for the next attack I throw 2 more and they land in your knuckles then I kick you to the ground* I expected that.
Edited by PKun, Grey Knight: 11/18/2015 3:20:38 AM*Lands on the ground with a little thud* Agghhh... You want to take an eye... [spoiler]I'll take an eye....[/spoiler] *A sudden wave of energy knocks you away from me, as I get up, renewed with energy, wounds gone, and pull out the knives in my knuckles* Go to hell, you ignorant, selfish brat.... *Puts on new shotgauntlets with a bulletproof armor* [spoiler]Oh, silly me, let's not be confused. It's the GAUNTLETS that have bulletproof armor on them[/spoiler]
Edited by FlAgtWash: 11/18/2015 3:22:36 AM*Nothing happens and I become invincible* And if you want a brat you can go look at South. [spoiler]You want to make it unfair so will I![/spoiler]