For the past two days I have been able to connect to the game servers, log in, and after a few minutes of playing, I would get kicked with an error code of weasle. I have been playing the game perfectly fine since TTK release with no problems until the hotfix went in.
My PS4 has 36.2 Mbps Download speed and a 3.5 Mbps upload. I get even faster on my PC. I did a ping test as well from my laptop to see if there was any packets being dropped and i had a successful test. I tried testing that on a local server and a server in WA. I seriously dont know what the problem is. Nothing has changed on my end other than updating the game. It's annoying because I can join a pvp match or try a mission or something, do all the work and then get kicked halfway through and miss out on the reward.
Is there some sort of new network protocol for the terms of agreement? I know the server hardware at bungie couldnt have changed otherwise im sure there would be some sort of PR announcment. What do I need to do so destiny servers stop kicking me out of the game?
Same thing happing to me