Why not make another clan for that purpose?Bungie lets you join and create multiple groups.Many of our members are part if other groups and we encourage our members to check out all that the Bungie community has to offer.
We would never tell a member that they have to exclusively participate in only our group.
Edited by NAVSPECWEP: 11/18/2015 1:10:43 AMWow...you took me seriously. I thought it was abundantly clear that I was being satirical. To be clear, gender or ethnic specific clans are a TERRIBLE idea. Segregation based on gender and ethnicity is never good for any community. It divides us based on attributes that none of us have any control over and no one should be excluded because of them. Its ridiculous that in 2015 this crap still exists at all. I guess this sisterhood clan largely gets a pass from most community members because its girls and girls are always given special dispensation nowadays. No one wants to be seen as sexist or anti-feminist so we all just stay quiet and pretend that we agree with everything these "ladies" stand for. Its a hypocritical lie and I don't care who gets mad at me for saying so. You cant cry sexism and gender discrimination and then combat that with acts of gender discrimination of your own like making a "girls only" clan. This perfectly highlights the inherent double standards of our society. If a "bro's before ho's" clan existed that deliberately excluded women and was on this forum recruiting new bro's, many of you would throw a fit and scream GENDER BIAS!!! Let the "sisters" do it and suddenly everyone acts like its ok. Imagine a "whites only" clan. Negros, mexicans and asians need not apply. The clan would more than likey be banned by Bungie and someones account would be suspended. We all play this game for the same reasons; for the love of the game. Lets find reasons to unite under one cause of loving this game and stop engaging in willful segregation of ourselves. Unity should win out over exclusion. Im done.
I don't have a problem with a man making a men's only clan. I always think about Dads of Destiny when this comes up, as it often does, on our thread. They have a specific purpose - to support other gaming dads - they offer a great community, and they don't take a tone of hating anyone, just providing support for a certain type of gamer. What's not to support there? Even if that wasn't how they approached things - even if they were rabidly anti-female, that wouldn't mean they wouldn't have a right to have a clan. I respect your right to believe that choosing to create or be part of an identity-based group is always negative, but I have the right to disagree. Creating a safe environment for women in gaming is something I believe to be important - almost every member of our clan can give you multiple examples of times they have joined fireteams only to be kicked, insulted, assumed to be incompetent, or openly sexually harassed on the basis of their being female. We provide a space where that won't occur. I would support any group that wanted to provide a similar space where people wouldn't be treated poorly because of how they identify, especially since, as you've pointed out, no one can control that. Creating safe space for one group of people doesn't mean hating anyone else, as so many people seem to assume. Promoting hate in any form would be counter to what we want to accomplish. As Karza said, we encourage people to enjoy the whole of the Destiny community - no one is required to only play with Sisterhood members, no one is required to carry our clan tag, and no one is asked to give up any other group membership they have. When I read this kind of vitriol from someone who only knows us by our guidelines of being female-only, I have to ask myself why they find us threatening. What is so upsetting about a group of people creating a space for themselves that pushes other people to attack? I think it says more about the person who takes the time to post an attack on our thread than it does about us. Anyway, I hope that you enjoy your time in Destiny and that your clan is successful. Thanks for the bumps you've given our thread - you may not mean to help us advertise by pushing our thread back to the top of the forum, but I appreciate it anyway. Good luck in the world, guardian!
To be clear, I still see it as segregation and I don't agree with the premise but I would never despise your right to do it. This is America and we absolutely have the right to disagree. Good day.
I will apologize if I came off harsh or if I seemed to attack your group. I'm just very passionate about equality in gaming. I can see that we are actually on the same side. You just choose to approach it differently than I would. As a clan founder myself, I am very aware of how members treat each other and not unlike yourselves I strive to foster an atmosphere that is accepting of all people, including women. I have had opportunities to address sexist guys in my raid groups who unfairly singled out a raid member because she was a she. I don't tolerate that nonsense. Again, I realize I got a little (a lot) intense. I certainly don't have any feelings of hatred toward you or your group. As a black man who strives to open people's eyes to quiet discriminations amongst other black people, I sometimes can vilify people prematurely.
I know you were being sarcastic,I decided to give you a serious answer anyway. Tell me something,what is the point of a clan if not to find like minded individuals?If every clan should be open to everyone,why do they exist?Why not just continue to be matched with players the old fashioned way? Why is it generally acceptable to make a clan for one country only,or 18+ only,but not one gender,or one race?I personally have no problem with an all male clan,or an all whites or all blacks clan.I wouldn't join any of those because I'm not black or male and I don't have difficulty finding white people to play with,but I respect their right to exist. I think you missed the part where I said we don't aim to segregate anyone.You can be a part of about 50 groups at a time on this website.We're not telling anyone they can't join 49 other groups,in fact we encourage our members to be a part of as many as they'd like. Sorry if I missed any of your points,I find it difficult to read that much text without paragraphs.
Like minded has nothing to do with commonality of skin color or body parts. I disagree with most black people on fundamental issues. The similarity of our skin in no way leads to us being like minded.
Who cares if they have a women only clan? Not a big deal. Have fun ladies. I need to make a grown up clan. Lol.