originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[i]The figure shakes his head[/i]
[quote]???: No, no. From my understanding, everyone here sacrificed something of their own to be here. Their former life, a family, something sweet for something bitter. They sacrificed themselves to live. Whatever it is that you're worried about, they can handle it. Maybe after their fight, you can talk to Alon. He knows where he's from. He knows his beginnings. But me, well, I was just booted up for the first time a month ago. Takes some getting used to.[/quote]
**what about former comrades, that's what I'm referring to**
[i]He nods[/i] [quote]???: The new ones don't know. They're ignorant. But by what I know, there was lots sacrificed. The former image of this place itself was sacrificed. The people, some never returning, left. Alon left, but he's back. He witnessed the fall. He lost a lot of friends too. The deaths of many affect the old today; we were much busier at one time, believe it or not. I wasn't around then, but my one brother was. Damn, he tells me stories. Lot's was sacrificed for what we have today....[/quote] [i]He pauses, then extends a hand.[/i] [quote]Gemini: Names' G-99. I go by Gemini.[/quote]
[i]reaches out and shakes it [/i] **Names Winter, nice to meet you**
[quote]Gemini: Mhm, place is good. Before you get out into the real world, this is a safe haven. Battles are relatively harmless, ending in a scratch or two. But heed my words; things are worse than you think out [i]there[/i].[/quote] [i]Though Winter doesn't know what he means, he connects Gemini's before comment of "dimensions" to this. There were more ugly worlds out there.[/i][spoiler]*casually referring to Rivers of Blood lel*[/spoiler]
[b][i]a slight laugh is heard[/i][/b] **believe me, I've seen some shit**