Hey guys, I live by the strict belief that ignorance is unnecessary, and frankly harmful. So, when I found this massive history lesson (http://imgur.com/gallery/4MMVk) and learned quite a lot from it, I figured there might be a few members of offtopic that might enjoy the read.
Warning, it is very long and not for the faint of heart.
Credit to Admiral Naismith.
TL;DR: If you wanna know more about the whole thing in the middle East, read this: http://imgur.com/gallery/4MMVk
The origin began in the time of Abraham when Hagar had Ishmael and she was banished. Interestingly enough, two entirely different religions came from one history. According to Islam, Noah was a prophet. The two timelines match up all the way until Abraham. That's when we have to rely on what we believe to be the character of God. Unfortunately, a lot of the character of God is revealed in Exodus and Genesis holds very little information on God compared to it.