>be me retarded and 16
>New York fag so have to wait six months for license
>hanging out with friend after school
>ride bikes around the neighborhood down the street
>looking for somewhere to smoke
>find one of those shitty suburban parks meant for toddlers and autistic kids
>figure we could hide out and smoke in that tubular slide thing
>go in and start packin bowl >share earbuds off my iPod nano
>mfw we're two -blam!- smoking weed in a slide listening to lil Wayne
>don't give a -blam!- tho we gun get baked -blam!-
>all of a sudden hear someone yelling at us to get the -blam!- out
>friend slides all the way down and says he sees a cop
Later found out some whore walked up with her kid and thought the slide was on fire
>friend gets super freaked out
>I start thinking of how I can get out of this
>friend slides down
>surrenders like a -blam!-ing NEET
>my high mind says -blam!- dat and decides to book it
>climb up slide and escape out top like a baked rhesus monkey
>jump off playground and sonic the hedgehog towards woods
>lol nope -blam!-
>cop's butt buddy partner cut me off
>see our bikes to the south
>think to myself "help me Huffy wan Bikenobi, you're my only hope"
>stop and laugh at that shitty pun cause I'm high as all -blam!- + gay
>cop almost tackles me while I'm laughing
>oh shit -blam!-
>activate my weed powers to dodge him and get on my bike
>get away
>all of a sudden get mega anxiety/bad trip or w/e
>prob cause of weed and almost getting arrested idk I ain't a doctor, -blam!- off -blam!-
>put in headphones and play some soothing shit
>successfully calms my nerves and I get back to cruisin on my huffy
>sober up and figure I should turn myself in
>I know my friend will give up my name and shit anyways
>But I keep cruising
>Can't stop/won't stop moving
>It's like I got this music in my mind
>saying it's gonna be alright
True story is true