I don't remember the name, but my favorite song lately is the one where that guy posts a random thread on a game forum and then tries to justify that it is on-topic. It's hilarious...
Edited by GarrisonWhite2: 11/19/2015 1:01:10 PMI'll just leave this here.
Damn right I'm that guy. Report every one of these dumbass posts I see with a #off-topic to make sure a mod sees it. And would you look at that, it got that sweet ninja justice... Post topics like this where they belong and you won't have these problems. It's easy.
One, read the edit. Clearly my intention is just as the title and post suggest. And for the most part it worked pretty well. Two, there are so many posts that have nothing to do with Destiny, like all of those stupid Fallout or Halo posts, or all of the pointless AMAs. But no one seems to have a problem with them. Even if this post isn't explicit about Destiny, it is explicitly about the #Destiny subforum, and therefore just as on topic as anything else. And yes, it got moved by a mod who picked this thread for the one time they'll do their job. Congratulations, I'm sure your mom is very proud of you.
Edited by TheOneSandman: 11/20/2015 5:34:51 AMI am well aware of your intent. I am also well aware that it is irrelevant. Justify it to yourself however you wish, but it doesn't change the fact that this thread does not belong in the forum where you posted it. This is confirmed by the fact that it was moved by a mod. Imagine that... But... But... Everyone else is doing it... Try that defense with a cop when you have broken the law and see how far it gets you. It isn't going to fly here either. Bonus points for bringing my mother into the equation though. It's hard for you to come up with an actual intelligent thought or constructive argument. I get that. Much easier to revert to a third grade mentality. Well, I shouldn't say revert. That would indicate that you at some point matured past a third grade mentality. Sadly not the case.