[b]They don't notice you. She gets behind the other and waits for your signal.[/b]
He clubs one person out with his SMG*
[b]She chokes the other out.[/b]
"Ill let you interrogate them."
[b]She takes them into a room and comes out about half an hour later. You heard a few painful screams.[/b] "Got the info. Let's hurry."
"Take your ship."
"I don't have a ship. They kept me hostage on this ship-" [b]She pauses.[/b] "Oh... I guess there's always this one."
Vilnaks facepalms, then gets in his skiff*
[b]She gets on her ship's comms.[/b] "So, we going loud or quiet?"
"We will cross that bridge when we get to it. Lead the way."