Titans are overpowered as thorn used to be but in a form of a super, or final round. I can agree with that. But the only nerf I can agree with is a slight damage reduction to damage reduction of maybe tone it down to 40% and cut down the super time by 5-10 seconds.
Answer the question
What nerf do you think is necessary for Hammer of sol? (Please be considerate and not pick the worst one out of hatred)
If your answer is different from these, which they probably will be comment down so I can see. I really want to know how to balance sun breaker without it being too harsh, and we know Bungie would probably do a bad job.
Guys disclaimer: I love sunbreakers (I main a Titan, I am not a ignorant or not trying to be biased) but we all know they are going to nerf it, I want us to figure out what would be reasonable. Please just comment down want you would want if these options are stupid
Disclaimer: Third option is a joke
Arrr Ya ready, scrubs? Aye, Aye, Bungie!!! I can't heeeeeeaaar yoooouuuu!!! AYE, AYE, BUNGIE!!! Oooooohhhhhh.... Who lives in the raid area under the reef? Sponge-Boss Nerf-Pants! Annoying and glitchy and laggy is he? Sponge-Boss Nerf-Pants! If useless materials are something you wish... Sponge-Boss Nerf-Pants! Then join mid-raid, and whine like a b*tch! Sponge-Boss Nerf-Pants! Sponge-Boss Nerf-Pants, Sponge-Boss Nerf-Pants, SpongeBooosssssss NerfPaaaaaaaaants! .........And this, ladies and gentlemen, is what biologists call a "scrub". They are most commonly known for their ability to cry loudly. They are often found on the forums, trolling to get their favorite food, simply known as "attention". They thoroughly enjoy crying for nerfs, and then crying about the consequences of the nerf after the fact. This one seems unusually stupid, however. Unusually stupid scrubs commonly attack anything that disagrees with them verbally, but physically left alone. Regardless, please keep your hands, feet, arms and legs inside the tour bus at all time. Continuing onward, I believe I see the common "hater" just a short distance ahead...... ............................................................................ "Dear Bungie, Rock is over powered, paper is fine." -Sincerely Scissors ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)