originally posted in:The Roleplay League
The huntress motioned to the man she had saved, her voice hard. "Stay."She said before heading out of the makeshift shelter and towards her sniper nest. From her position she could survey the entire field, her scope focused on the fallen side of the skirmish. 5 shots, 5 downed, she reloaded and repeated the cycle numerous times. Her gaze shifted back to the shelter here and there, keeping an eye out for him.
[b]roleplaying as Er'Den [/b] Sniper shots whizzed by the goliath and it's infantry as it returned down the road, taking out Fallen one by one. A legionary's deep voice boomed over Er'Den's radio- "Identified Guardian sniper, sir. Engage?" "Negative! We are to make peace with the people of Earth!" Er'Den motioned for his squad to follow the trail to where the sniper was. Er'Den led the way. Three vandals ran adjacent to the Guardian's position, closing in on it. Er'Den's squad opened fire as the Guardian turned to engage them as well at very close range. One of Er'Den's shots hit the Guardian in the right arm. "No!" Er'Den cried, "We have come so far!" "Sir," Al'Den, Er'Den's second in command, spoke calmly to Er'Den, "They can not and will not understand our language. We must find a way to translate." "There must be a way! We have come too far to fail." Er'Den motioned to his team to wait and see if the Guardian would shoot them or attempt to make peace.
It had been going smooth, her shots downing infantry swiftly, her attention turning towards the advancing Cabal. A pain ripped through her right arm, the girl gritting her teeth as she aimed her riffle at the head Psion. Blood dripped to the ground and against every instinct that burned through her...she strapped her weapon to her back, clenching her fists, the leather squelching in protest. "He better be damn right about this."She muttered beneath her breath.
Edited by Apollo: 11/20/2015 12:32:46 AM[b]roleplaying as Er'Den[/b] [spoiler]the reason i refer to Athena as an it is because the Psions dont know the difference[/spoiler] The six Psions dove behind cover as the Guardian brought it's gun up. They did not observe her put it away. Al'Den looked at Er'Den and said, "It is not trying to kill us. We would already by dead." Er'Den peeked over the ledge. Indeed, the Guardian was watching them. The rest of Er'Den's forces had wiped out the Fallen resistance and set up a defensive half-circle around the shelter. Some Psions watched the Guardian warily. Er'Den and Al'Den approached the Guardian. Al'Den spoke to Er'Den softly, "The small machine of light can understand us and them, talk to it, and it should translate." Er'Den looked at the Guardian's machine that had just appeared over it's shoulder. "We would like to make peace with you, and help you. We would like to come to the City."
She was wary as they approached but stayed calm nonetheless. Hades appeared over her shoulder, one of the cabal speaking in its broken, choppy language. He seemed surprised, relaying the message to her, a scoff escaping her throat. [i]the city[/i] "Tell them...the city does not handle outsiders very well."She said before knocking on the wooden door of the shwlter, beckoning the man she'd met up with earlier outside. Perhaps he could handle the situation better than her.